My system: i5 3570k @4,5ghz GTX 770 (332.21) 8gb RAM I had huge FPS problems with the last two minipatches (massive stutter, drops under 30fps and even with 50-60fps it was very unsmooth) and SOE Support helped me with the following hint. In my case, it was nVidia experience, wich was active twice in the background. After i deactivated everything i turned some programs on again (logitech, nvidia and antivir) and it started to stutter again. After i canceled the autostart of nVdia experience the fps where good again. So i deinstalled everything but the graphics driver (332.21) and PHysX and now PS2 runs very smooth nearly 90% of the time i have constant 60fps (locked via userini). I hope this maybe can help some of you with your problems as well!