I'd prefer if it were on an other key too, as long as that ammo pack isn't at least made with kevlar! Yes you may re-train your muscle memory, but that basically forbids you to switch classes often and it's not as easily done on a fast-paced game as it is on a mmorpg for instance. Also, since there are lot of gameplay overlaps between non-Max classes (a LMG isn't that different from an AR, or an AR from a carbine, it's on the same 1) key, your secondary is usually the same, etc...), it makes it that much harder. It takes me probably 20~40mn to get into my brain that 'F' is a no-no as engineer. Even then, after perhaps 90mn of play where it'll have been good, at some point i'm going to get jumped on, and throw the deadly (for me) ammo pack, instead of firing.
F dropping ammo is a good thing. Same with F pulling out the shield generator on Medic. Maybe people should stop playing the class with the IWIN button to get over it I mean, seriously, nobody complains about F activating cloak on an Infiltrator, and that will get you killed.
Playing Heavy Assault has made pressing F reflex.. I press F when taking fire as an infiltrator and get myself killed all the time. I press F and toss out ammo packs at enemies now with my engineer. At least F doesn't do anything bad to my light assault yet...
lol, its quite halarious how everybody talks about overshield affecting engie. how about infil? i overshield on heavy after i kill somebody (hence, cloak after each kill)
There are 2 1/2 classes that kill you if you press F in a fight. There is only 1 1/2 classes that make you survive. It seems that heavies and Medics running aoe heal need to l2p more I play all the classes. I'm aware of what class I am, and I don't spam F when I enter a fight.
Well, separate bindings for each class abilities would solve the problem. Those who don't have problems with muscle memory would just bind them all to a single key and those who do would bind them to separate keys.
It will remove yet more thought out of the game, not a good idea imo, mistakes (even pressing the wrong button) should cost you, the mentaility of i should win no matter what, even when i mess up is toxic to this and all recent games. Plus i like the engi F button, makes it less awkward to quickly drop some ammo for a sniper / AA Max you pass while driving. Hehe actualy i read a thread the other day complaining about this exact thing, but as an infil instead, apparently the 'F' button should be a defensive flinch button according to this poster. Id rather the game not devolve into who can press 'F' quicker personaly.
what's the problem with giving us an OPTION to disable the F key for engineer? everyone wins and this game breaking problem is solved, and to anyone saying "JUST DEAL WITH IT/GET USED TO IT"; that's not a solution and your post contributes nothing, shut the **** up
The only time I see this being a problem is if you have trouble remembering what class you're playing. And before anyone laughs I've done it. Yet, the problem wasn't the F key..... it was me. Be class conscious.
This to me as well: I usually try to move the mouse quickly 0.5 secs before to release the grenade so it sticks away from my team mates... It doesn't work all the times
I don't have a problem with the F button dropping ammo. My problem is that the animation for dropping the ammo doesn't interupt when needed, like trying to use an actual weapon in the middle of "oops" pressed the F key.
Haha, I do this as engineer all the time, and see plenty of other players do the same. I see it as more of a problem with the player, rather than the interface. Muscle memory and instinctive habits from playing whatever class (medic for me) can be un-learned. In terms of playing engineer, it is a lot more convenient having the ammo box on "F" rather than selecting it from the loadout and left-clicking.
(assuming you're responding to my post) i'm not sure if this is agreeing or disagreeing with my post; either way it supports the utopian idea of a tickbox to solve this problem
Why not just make it so if a class ability is a deployable you have to double tap f to use it. So easy
that idea only offers downsides compared to a tickbox, without an upside aside from double-tapping f for deployables having its own set of problems, code wise it's a lot more work to implement than a tickbox (not saying it's a lot of work) but it'll still suffer from the same problem of triggering the impossible-to-cancel-tedious-as-****-instant-death-sentence ammo throwing animation when pressing f as a reflex to being shot