The Emerald NC Actually Won An Alert

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. miraculousmouse

    I will try to never get into a fight I won't win. Nor do I put myself in ****** spots like so many zergfit lemmings do. For example, the point A at pale chemical. This also doesn't mean I will avoid 2v1s or 3v1s, if I can use the environment my advantage I'll take it.
  2. miraculousmouse

    Holy ****. Before I got my g400/g400s I was at a .8 and im working up to a 2.0 on my nc. After that it'll be working my without revives KD up. You starting at 5.5 is just wicked.
  3. NightEngine

    Emerald NC do win alerts just not as often as TR or VS. I participated in four NC wins last week and about eight or nine losses. NC have a serious command communication issue and, on top of that, the TR don't want to fight the VS, so the NC gets double-teamed (which is a disaster because of high VS pop levels).
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  4. libbmaster

    He plays like I do. :eek:

    Also, Woooooo we didn't higby things up for once, Live free in the NC! Wooooo!
  5. Badname707

    I'm just gonna leave this here.

    We're pretty inactive, but the site still gets a decent amount of traffic. If anyone is half serious about helping out the NC as a faction, please sign up and post a proposal. With a handful more leaders on board, we may be able to make something happen.
  6. Pirbi

    Command chat tends to be more about chest thumping and trolling than anything. Always has been. And from what I gather, is true on every faction on every server. Everyone believes they are brilliant and the other guy is stupid as hell. Oddly enough, they don't give their opponents intelligence any credit either. Which bites them in the ***. If you know that when you attempt to use it, you won't be disappointed. But if you think "my entry into the fray will change the landscape for the better and there will be ticker tape parades in my honor" you will have wasted 200 certs. Mute the trolls, mute the whole channel if needed to ensure at least your group is doing well, use /orders and /leader but only to suggest not to order other outfits around. Use the map and offense/defense request symbols. Listen for NC going into derp mode and attempt to counterbalance when able with action not arguments. Never count on anything said actually materializing. Then you can help guide the NC herd better than using the random noise maker channel. It's not rocket surgery.
  7. Champagon

    Wow that's new, well congrats then guys. I've only seen it happen once myself personally

    And before people start whining and QQ about how "NC is UP" please take a look internally first. Your command is not the best if at all existent.
  8. NC_agent00kevin

    It exists on poor condition. IDK what happened because for a while there, Waterson NC was kicking *** and taking names. Then it started to fall apart and post merge it has reverted to worse than the days of HolyCommander and EZC on Jaeger.

    One guy may not make a dent in the problem but 5 might. My own Outfit is very small and only gets about 2 regular players any more though. Little can be accomplished in most circumstances with just a couple guys but we have been known to wreck assaults by flanking and destroying enemy sunderers. All I can reasonably contribute is a voice of reason until I decide to either expand the Outfit (meh), join another (meh meh) or run Pub platoons and basically Zerg targets (triple meh)

    I've considered joining up with a newer Outfit that's building but I know the leader isn't the most favored guy on Emerald NC. He did get things done with EXPO and I actually enjoyed it when I rolled with them. The new Outfit of his is still building but we did really well on Saturdays alerts. Many faces wee wrecked with tank squads, a few bases saved and generally good morale amongst us.

    I'd rather stay with my current small Outfit but have the option to roll with bigger ones and help out with command, even if it's just running a squad and keeping beacons up and targets marked. We used to rock as Death Legion on Jaeger; these days we just go blow stuff up and occasionally farm some bases. It would be nice to be able to do both with no total obligation to any particular Outfit. I bring experience and well certed vehicles to the table, just not my undying loyalty ;)
  9. Champagon

    The Emerald NC is kind of not so good [no offense] when you guys merged you may be victim of, "my team is bad so I am bad" pitfall
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  10. Pirbi

    LOL. Has he started TKing everyone yet? I know he's spamming command chat again.
  11. NC_agent00kevin

    No more team killing but I have no idea about command as usually I'm not on command when he is on. He means well and isn't bad with tactics at all but can get a bit trolley at times. His relationship with more of the better known players and Outfits is a large factor in me not joining...among other reservations. He's not a bad dude but I know that's a subjective assessment ;)

    Last time we rolled into another larger outfit, quite a few of us were unhappy after a little time. Most of it is the aforementioned obligation. Many times I like to get on, find a Zerg and tag along, killing sunderers and whatever else may be inhibiting the advance. Maybe I want to drive around aimlessly looking for 1v1s with other AP Lightnings and Harassers. Other times I just want to fid a fight I can farm up various Auraxium medals with.
  12. iller

    Last night around 1pm, another miracle happened but on Connery...
    The NC won the Indar alert with greater than a 5% pop disadvantage.

    Well actually I'm pretty sure it wasn't the NC who decided it but the TR who came back from a 20% control deficit to capture Crossroads from the overpopped late night Hacknu. ...starving them of the entire territory buffer they needed to win. Easily one of the most brutal Alerts I've ever seen. Even with the NC and TR not fighting eachother at all towards the end, it was just impossible for us to beat the VS who seemed to know well ahead of time what was behind every corner like they could see into the future. Their magical perfect-throw frag grenades & C4 that would kill 5 or more NC everytime they hucked one. .... I don't say this often but I love the Connery T.R. today. Sometimes they're just idiot savants at Strategy and it's a thing to behold when they pull it off.