The dudes capping things should get exp while they guard the objectives

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paltry Porridge, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. TotalNoob

    Back to the top with this suggestion.

    There must be 20 ticks to neutralise and 20 to cap? 5xp per tick would be ideal. Take it or go and guard the spawn to gamble for more.
    • Up x 1
  2. Being@RT

    I've actually noticed it. Never knew where it came from.

    Maybe they ought to market something like this a bit more.
  3. fish998

    It's not necessarily tactically more useful to sit on a cap point, versus than camping the spawn room. So the facility caps 10s quicker, big deal. Let people out of the spawn room, and the guys sat on the cap point will probably end up dead, then their sundie will die, and the cap will fail.

    Also the game (rather stupidly) tell the enemies you're sat on the cap point and how many of you there are. Don't ask me why.
  4. Morpholine

    Only in the case of undefended (0) or less than maximum (2 or 6). If a point lists maximum people, it can be anything between 2 and 600 defenders.
  5. Paltry Porridge

    It's not necessarily more useful to devote all of your forces to camping the spawn, when you require a couple to cap before the other enemy reinforcements arrive.

    Just yesterday, the TR on my server were literally a few seconds from capping regent, but they abandoned their posts due to ADD and they got reinforcements a minute later that got our sunderer, allowing the spawned forces to destroy our advance.
  6. FateJH

    That's still something to be considered. It's not the attacker's base, yet if ever. Why should it help them, even if in such a subtle way as telling them "this point is possibly undefended?"