The dudes capping things should get exp while they guard the objectives

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paltry Porridge, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Paltry Porridge

    Can't tell you how many times I've rolled with a PUG and had the guys just abandon me while I was left to guard the objective.. and get no exp while they had at it.

    It really doesn't make any sense to not reward the guys who are tactically doing the best thing for territory.

    I'm not talking about engineer ammo rates either, but something around the lines of +20 every 30 seconds would make it that much more bearable, especially when defending.
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  2. SikVvVidiT

    This has been brought up many a time including beta. Its a wonderful and great idea, which is why it will never happen.
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  3. Herrick

    Would be nice, or just bring back the REKs and the hacking system rather than expecting people to afk at a control point.
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  4. Paltry Porridge

    Indeed... honestly, I have no idea what a REK is, but it sounds like an automated capping machine...and that'd be great.
  5. Morpholine

    Ever killed a guy while sitting on the point? Did you notice the "Attack Bonus" xp?
  6. tastyBerryPunch

    The first 6 or 2 people that fill up the point should get some kind of worthwhile exp in my opinion.
  7. Dusty Lens

    When I read this I had a horrible vision of only 2 or 6 people getting the exp. The first to arrive on site. Then, suddenly, THEY arrive. You know them. They blow up your Sunderer to park their own. They blow up your tank to steal your spot. They jump in front of you to shoot at whatever you spotted.

    Now they're here to kill anyone on a point to steal their experience slot.


    Alternatively everyone near a point gets experience in which case spawn will be unguarded and I can get some amazing grenade kills.
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  8. AnotherNoob

    In theory a good suggestion, but that would just lead to people tking each other over the spots...
  9. Copasetic

    So I guess it doesn't matter anymore anyway.
  10. Paltry Porridge

    Yes and most of the time it doesn't matter. I've been on points before for 10+ minutes without seeing a single soul and only getting the terrible reward at the end. I would have made more if I had simply abandoned the cap and gone into team death match mode, leaving it to fend for itself.

    The incentive to attack points is there, but people aren't rewarded for actually capping. The game doesn't reward you for trying to win, but trying to mindlessly kill as many people as you can.

    Unless you're in a giant platoon without enough kills to go around, you only hurt yourself by doing objectives.

    Eh? He just said the time would be standardized, so one side doesn't have an inductive advantage. It doesn't solve the issue of people capping while the action is on the other nodes, or reward people for defending a node.
  11. tastyBerryPunch

    That would only happen if that exp would be too high. They could also make it so that, if a guy teamkills someone he doesn't get the exp.
  12. Paltry Porridge

    Actually that's a brilliant suggestion. In addition to weaponlocking, TKing could add a small exp debt that could increase linearly, or even quadratically.
  13. Morpholine

    Right now, there's a control point conversion xp bump, attack/defense bonus xp for kills while in proximity, the actual capture experience and the 15% defensive xp bonus.

    To be honest, I really don't think there needs to be much, if any, more incentive.
  14. Paltry Porridge

    What is to address the case of it not being attacked? The conversion bonus is a joke. You might as well just roll an engineer and put out a single ammo pack in front of a sunderer, you'd make a lot more.
  15. Morpholine

    Attack bases that are being contested, instead of ghost capping?
  16. SinerAthin

    I agree.

    Right now it is more profitable to camp the spawn room rather than cap the point.

    We just need a few guys to lock down the enemy Spawn Room, the rest should be focused on the cap point.

    A tasty EXP boost for everyone who stands on the point (and a little outside to cover the angles and not cause everyone to cluster up in case of excess of people) would be most welcome.
  17. Paltry Porridge

    Not being attacked doesn't imply ghost capping. You could have 2/2 on a point that is the only thing making conversion possible while the fighting is on another node.
  18. Morpholine

    Then your reward for the boredom is the capture experience. The same experience you would not have received had you not had 2/2 on the point, making conversion possible.
  19. Rhinzual The REK was far more than what you said, and was not automatic, it had to be equipped in a pistol slot, pulled out and then used on a hackable target. Higher levels of the Hacking Certificatiuon tree allowed you to hack more things and the things in previous trees got hacked faster. Someone with no certs in hacking took a minute just to hack the control console in a base, which started the capping process. Hacking certification lowered it to to 40 seconds, advanced hacking lowered it to 20, and the Expert Hacking was down to 15. You could do absolutely nothing at all during the time or the hack would be interrupted and you'd have to start all over.
  20. Paltry Porridge

    Completely wrong. The opportunity cost of staying at a node that isn't being attacked is very large in BIG battles, but more often than not, wins them.