The delay is getting worse.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by oOHansOo, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. oOHansOo

    The hit registration and input delay has gotten higher and higher over the past few days.
    I was in the game right now, trying to drop out of a galaxy onto a point, but i had to wait a good 5 seconds before the game let me exit the galaxy.
    Same with my sunderer. My deployed sunderer was getting shot at, so i wanted to move it further back into cover. I was able to undeploy, but it wouldn't let me drive. i had to watch my sundy going from 3/4 health slowly down to nothing, just because the game decided, that i can't move yet. Nope, wasn't looking, didn't count.
    Shooting infantry, i can see the shieldflash, but the hitmarkers only show up after 4 seconds or so. It's starting to get out of hand.
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  2. Crash Bandicoot

    The game is getting to a point where it's gonna be truly unplayable if all this continues...
    • Up x 1