The Death Camera

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zagareth, Sep 21, 2019.

  1. TomoB

    People like this noob feature simply beause 99% of players hate infils and want all the crutches to detect them better. Insults in chat after I've uncloaked to kill unsuspecting person as stalker and everyone suddenly targeting me when I happen to uncloak in the middle of the battle while having teammates nearby kinda tells me that.
  2. then00b

    People tend to start thinking of checking for infils when they suddenly see dead bodies when they didn't see any other noticeable killers.
    What would tell you that they're actually looking for you because of the dead person watching you is if they can track your movement while cloaked, and even then I can see cloaked infiltrators moving around on my rather low settings sometimes I can see ones that are hiding motionless, and can hear the uncloaking sound fairly easily. Radar will pick you up if you're sprinting or walking without the radar jamming implant.
  3. tigerchips

    "...and ease frustration caused by deaths that feel abrupt or unfair"

    Did they really say that? Have they never heard of strategic positioning? With this death cam the game forces you to run around like a headless chicken, aka Call of Duty style. Not quite content with red markers and bounties over everyone's head, not content with 3d spotting and 2D map spotting, not content with infantry hacking radars everywhere, not content with directional hit markers, they've got to add another.

    Now we know why they nerfed the C4, apparently, it would seem like blowing up a vehicle with 2x C4 feel's unfair to the developers of this game.

    Unfair? How about fixing the falling through the floor bugs, redeployside, mines not working, unexplained pain fields for mines, directional pointers not working. Don't get me started on one shot killing knives, infiltrators are now waiting inside teleporters and knifing anyone who goes through teleporter, there is no counter other than to not go through it, but's it's too late since you already had an unnecessary death. That's hundred of unnecessary deaths from bad game design, and what do we get, a kill cam?
  4. Lalatina

    I'll wait until the next update, if they don't remove this **** (Dead Camera) I'll just look for another game to play, I won't waste time on kid games ...
  5. Scroffel5

    My gosh, really? You are gonna stop playing a game with something that most likely doesn't truly affect you? If you are 300m away as a sniper, and you take down a target, they have 10 seconds or so to respawn, then they have to run, fly, or drive all the way to you, and actually take you down. In that time, you have probably taken down 3 targets or so, including the dude who has now respawned and coming to kill you. By this time, you should have moved. Y'know what is so AMAZING about the death cam, something you idiots have overlooked time and time again. THEY DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE!!! THEY KNOW WHERE YOU WERE!!! They. Know. Where. You. WERE! Freaking move. You just baited someone back to your old position to shoot them again, if they didn't see you moving. If they did see you moving, they woulda seen you without the death cam too.

    Im tired of you idiots complaining. Work with the death cam; don't advocate for its removal. As for me, I am OK with it. I main Infiltrator. I mainly snipe. I am OK with it. Why can't you guys just accept it and use it to your advantage?
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  6. Lalatina

    Of course, if I'm in a tower, how will I change position? falling to the ground and dying? think before you come here to be ashamed.
    another example is in trees (hossin) i will throw myself on the ground because i am dumb like you, thanks for the useless tip ...
  7. Scroffel5

    Why would you be in a tower? I have been in a tower. Thats called being a sitting duck. Even if you score some kills, you are going to die. Why would you choose a position you can't run from? That called choosing a bad decision. Its not my fault you choose a bad position and get killed because they now know where you are. If I sat in a tower and rang off bullets every few seconds trying to shoot people, I'd get found out WITHOUT A DEATH CAM! I get found out without a death cam when I am sitting still doing nothing, so I am obviously gonna get found out when I am shooting.

    If you choose to sit in a tower and snipe, you shouldn't be surprised or mad when you die. I know that. So should you.
  8. Naskoni

    Because we are not clueless noobtards and as such neither need nor want such noobtard "mechanics" in the game in the first place?
  9. Scroffel5

    They were added most likely because of complaints. They only benefit new players. They hurt infiltrators stealth. If a veteran can find everyone who shot at them, congratulations. Now can the new players. The new players are now like the veterans, so now its like you are playing against the veterans, in regards to them finding where you were when you died. Sounds to me that people just want to be able to farm the new players without them knowing where they are.

    P.S. My point is, let them know! Let them come! So what? If you killed a vet, they already knew where you were at or at least which direction. Let the new players know, because we already did. Let them come and find us. They are still new players. You can take them. Probably.
  10. tigerchips

    A dead person looking around after dying...
  11. tigerchips

    Why can't dead people use chat too?
  12. tigerchips

    Because they're dead Jim.
  13. TR5L4Y3R

    they can
  14. tigerchips

    Yell chat?
  15. Scroffel5

  16. Zagareth

    If you really wanna keep the Death Cam, so please give us some taunting dance moves or gestures, so we can also show the victims something obscene to watch in the cam. Something like /moon, /f*ck_you, /come_get_me_moron, paired with Duke Nukem Quotes.
    But let me guess.... the answer is NO?
  17. JibbaJabba

    Search before you post.

    The dead horse is beaten to a bloody stain on the grass by now.
  18. JibbaJabba

    And the /thread is this: All other considerations pale in comparison to the joy of teabagging your victim and knowing they are watching.
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  19. Scroffel5

    Congratulations, you have won the argument.
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  20. Naskoni

    Well, not all of us are so pathetic as to enjoy that or fail at the game as much as you as to celebrate killing someone that much...