The consequences of server transfers vs merging

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SenorBeef, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Assist

    If someone invested $100-$200 into PS2 then why would they have an issue with paying a little more for a server transfer? It would be like someone buying the $45,000 vehicle and not wanting to pay the additional $500 for the +5 year warranty.
  2. Zorlox

    far from the same thing considering not getting the warranty potentially costs you a lot more money. This is pay an extra 500 or we remove an axle.
    • Up x 1
  3. Loegi

    Obviously SOE would care more about paying customers. And the people that would either stay on the dead server, or quit because they don't want to pay, are very likely to not be paying customers.

    So why would SOE care? Not saying that this is a smart idea for the community, server merges would be smarter.
  4. turtlestation

    Just like this game is P2NotGrindForYears currently, this is SOE's version of P2TransferEarly. SOE likes to innovate where it doesn't count.

    If this gets implemented, they will be forced to merge sooner or later. Hell, if people transfer en masse in a few weeks, they'd have to do it almost immediately.
  5. SenorBeef

    Because, as Smedley astutely once commented, the F2P players are the content for the paying players. Population density is good for everyone. The better experience you give everyone, the more people stick around, and the more people are likely to pay. And the ones who are willing to pay are happier.
  6. Zorlox

    I'd never pay for a transfer, even in WoW I didn't pay for a transfer, I actually leveled 8 characters all over again when I decided to switch servers. Then again I'm a level addict and had almost 2 of every class to 85 so I'm an unusual case but still, never going to pay for a transfer whether I'm a paying customer or not. luckily I don't need to since mattherson is not in horrible condition though even it lacks population.
  7. Talizzar

    So many psychics in the game. Why don't we just wait and see what is done instead of creating a bunch of DRAMA revolving around a pile of #$#$ er What ifs!

    I can tell you from other games that server merges stink. They end up creating a bunch of nation drama because of the influx of the new supreme commanders from the other servers, etc.
  8. DaninTexas

    I am just looking forward to leaving Helios. Hope the VS enjoy playing with themselves. If you are playing a side that has a ridiculous#s advantage - prepare to deal with the same thing.
  9. fastdak255

    THIS. Good thinking. Reading through your post I was going to counter it with this very paragraph, glad to see you included it.
  10. Hunter_Killers

    I think you mean an additional $5,625-$11,250 for the privilege to drive on the roads that or may or may not be in severe disrepair that can rip out your axle at any point.

    I don't know why everyone likes to use car examples. Maybe they should bump up your taxes, its only a little more anyway.
  11. FigM

    I seriously think that charging money for server transfer is a big mistake

    Server transfer can work instead of server merger, but ONLY if it is free
  12. Arghy

    Unlimited transfers for free ONCE PER 2 WEEKS.

    Problems solved folks, play for 2 weeks on your new server and if you dont like it move to another one or move back to your old one. I played on connery for weeks i spent over 10k SC on my VS char there and i want him off connery because its a joke compared to matterson.
  13. Pat Cleburne

    I don't know what is better for the game, but I know I can't wait to ditch SolTech. Unless people come here and even out the population. Then I might stay.
  14. willTell

    This game lives through its battles and having many players on one server.
    To be honest, they can't charge for server transfers, because it will make lot of players unhappy and leave.
    They need players, players are content, so they can't charge for transfers.
    They can have the transfers on a cooldown, though.

    Maybe they could add a token for all region (EU/AUS/US) and every servers there on the store.
    'Buy' it and have a cooldown until it shows up again.

    Transfer to low/medium pop servers would be free
    Transfer to high servers would cost some..

    That might be reasonable, just my 2cents...
  15. khord

    The more busy servers there are, the more appealing that queue jump that comes with premium is.
    If SOE is going to model their monthly payment system with busy servers in mind, they should make it easy to get a few servers as busy as possible.
  16. Liquid23

    I'm not a fan of letting players use transfers if they have complete choice in where they go... it just ends up a cluster**** musical chairs scenario where servers that were populated before get so overpopulated a large chunk of players can't get in and then ***** about it endlessly at which point they start spreading out to other servers and we end up with overfull or dead servers spread all around as players jump back and forth

    I'd much rather the Dev's who have actual metrics and no bias about what server who is on just merge the low pop ones together based on their current relative size so that there is an even spread of nicely populated ones
  17. OMGItzChucky

    Total support to this. We should create an "official" petition or something to get our voices heard.
  18. Tenzin

    You're one of those entitled gamers, How can you expect to play on a populated server without showing SOE the $$?

    but seriously, I agree. They're shooting themselves in the foot expecting people to pay to get off low pop servers. If I had to choose between paying $5 to transfer off a low pop server or quitting, I'd rather quit.
  19. SenorBeef

    I've been coming around to be more concerned about this aspect. For some reason, the people in this game don't actually want to fight - they just want to steamroll, ghost cap, and maybe snatch up some spawn kills. So when one side starts losing, one side starts abandoning a place and people join the winning side. I'd be afraid with voluntary transfers, servers already dominated by one faction would get more players seeking out to join that dominant faction and compound the problem. Merging would balance out the factions and homogenize them because you'd be merging entire populatons rather than letting people choose to go to the one where their faction is most dominant.
  20. Niller

    They should just quit this idea, instead they should give a bonus to people who join a underpopulated server. Like a free weapon, a double xp week, a camo or something that make people play on a server with less people. Or they should just close some of the lower population servers, or combind some of the lower population servers