The Bright Red/Hot-Pink Shields Are Disusting

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. AFK1

    Yesterday we had nicely colored purple shields

    Today we have hideous hot-pink shields which are extremely bright. Not the "new" facility shields, but the regular spawn room shields

    Please fix it
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  2. Palkora

    You mean the spawn shields?

    If so yeah they are ugly as sin at the moment.
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  3. Schizomatic

    Flamboyance! Those spandex tights go well with your new shields. Fabulous!

    This is karma for all that spawn-room camping with the PPA. SOE is laughing, I'm sure.
  4. Degenatron

    In the Higby Pls broadcast, he already talked about adjusting the shaders. Unbunch your panties.
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  5. AFK1

    Adjusting them to make them darker like before?

    Or adjusting them to make them the way they are now?
  6. LodeTria

    The red ones look like a portal to hell. Haven't seen the blue yet.
  7. Degenatron

    Specifically to eliminate the "metallic reflection" effect. I assume they'll tweak the color values as well to make it more purple and less pink.
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  8. Hammerlock

    just give us the old shields we had in the pre-hossin time
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  9. DynamicHead

    The pink shields are really horrible and ugly!!! :confused:
    I love purple.. but pink sucks!
    ( This reason why I quit my membership! )
  10. Foxirus

    You should really learn to check thread dates before you post. You just revived a completely dead thread...