The Black Company, is recruiting for it's TR outfit on the Waterson(US East) server, and we would like to invite you to join us. If you’re a mature adult who enjoys playing with online friends and would like to join an outfit that is actively involved in PS2 you need to check us out at . Experience is not necessary, but having a good time is….. Players of all levels are encouraged to join. The Black Company is a US-based multi-gaming guild modeled after the fictional series of same name by Glen Cook (Europeans also welcome). However, TBC is not a role playing guild. The Black Company is a military-styled clan with a preference for online war-based games (of any genre). Historically, the clan has flourished in games offering strategic military objectives and some freedom as to how they are achieved. We've played quite a few MMOs, but love first-person shooters just as much. Our primary purpose is success in and enjoyment of online games. Membership in the Black Company requires a commitment, although not a full-time one. For us it's about action and fun, first and always. Although we have a number of veterans and ex-servicemen among us, we do not require members to salute and call each other 'sir'. We are not a clan that requires a certain experience in a game or a certain amount of your time to be dedicated to the clan activities. We are a very mature group of adults who enjoys each other’s company both in games and in Ventrilo. We have a minimum age requirement of 18 years, and use of Ventrilo is required for all Black Company special operations and scheduled events. If you are interested in joining The Black Company visit us at . Players may join two ways. For those just interested in being part of TBC in Planetside 2, they can simply join our group in the game. We call those players "Camp Followers". For a more involved membership within The Black Company you must go through our recruiting process outlined on our website. To join TBC outside of PlanetSide 2, it is a requirement to fill out an application at our website. Please be sure you read the clan charter and PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME when filling out the application. We are not a very strict clan but we do take membership in the company very serious as we are built around friendships and camaraderie. Because of that, we would like to see a genuine attempt at answering the questions on the application. Charter:,12370.0.html Application Area:,15740.0.html For more questions look up any [OBF] member online, we would be glad to talk with you.