The best Biolab in the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberBonisseur, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. UberBonisseur

    What do you think is the best Biolab in the game ?

    My vote goes to Terran BL4 Crash Site on Esamir
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  2. ChampagneDragon

    I see what you did there... and I likey.
  3. DJPenguin

    Aluminum Biolab on Indar
  4. Pikachu

    I was about to say Biolab 4 too.

    XD Never thought of that.
  5. smokemaker

    Any biolab as long as we do not destroy the attackers sundereres.... Lets farm.\
  6. Chubzdoomer

    Saliva Biolab on Indar
  7. Pikachu

    Raichu Biolab on Indar.
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  8. Chubzdoomer

    Oh SCHNAP!
  9. xboxerdude

    ick-nam, we lost many a good men there, ******* commies
  10. HadesR

    No such thing ..
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  11. xboxerdude

  12. NoctD

    See - if it wasn't for the Terrans, there wouldn't even be any bio-labs on Auraxis!
  13. NinjaTurtle

    There's a best Biolab?

    I thought they were just copy and pasted
  14. ChampagneDragon

    No BL4 is the one the Terran attempted to bring in and crashed it instead. It was a FAIL.

    Personally, I blame the VS for all the biolabs. It's something they'd do in some weird social experiment.
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  15. Akeita

    Bio lab convert nanites into mini green candy of the necromancer called "Med kits", it also transfer your soul and mind into a suit made of metal by using nanites ( MAXes without anyone to control it ). Also, for some reason, Bio lab also convert nanites into all sort of grenades such as sticky one, bouncy one, the one that can light up the room when it's dark vv.... There is all sort of tentacles and seaweed collected by the NS master race growing all over the bio lab too, it's been forever since the last time I had a seaweed soup in Auraxis
  16. Pikachu

    Still their result had more value than that of venu.
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  17. Flashtirade

    Subterranean Nanite Analysis
  18. Devrailis

    Those damn venu.
  19. Cirevam

    Nah, Suave Biolab is different from the rest what with its walls. Then there's some other bio lab on Esamir that doesn't have any schwoopy-tubes leading up to the airpads, but I forget the name of that one...
  20. ChampagneDragon

    Going to use that term from now on when leading the platoon. IN fact, tonight is my night for leading ops. I think I'll get us somewhere with schwoopy-tubes just so I can say it over and over.

    "get up the schwoopy-tubes!!"

    "Defend the schwoopy-tubes!!"

    "Use the schwoopy-tubes!!"

    Oh those stupid schwoopy-tubes, so much schwooping in them!