[Vehicle] The AP Lightning is the most underrated vehicle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jassinlive, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. jassinlive

    The lightning as a whole doesn't get enough homage for it's manoeuvrability:attack ratio. The default Viper gun is so effective against infantry and is close to my favourite gun. But by favourite by far is the AP.

    AP vs vehicles is obviously it's targeted strength, but 1-shot kills v infantry makes this weapon a great all-round choice for all players.

    I showcase this in my latest video, Armored Sniper:

    Do you agree? I would love to hear your opinions on the lightning - and why there doesn't appear to be masses upon masses of these things in game.

    Could you imagine a zerg of AP lightnings advancing towards you?!
    • Up x 2
  2. Archard

    I don't have the certs to put into mine yet. That's pretty much the only reason I don't pull them often.
  3. breeje

    one day i pulled a stock lightning on one of my low BR alts
    i was so surprised of it's all around killing potential
    now i have upgraded my viper and it's a killing machine, i will not use a other weapon again

    but yes, i did run with AP before and it's a very good weapon
  4. Taemien

    Lightning is a damn solid tank. Only slightly too much by its capability to be pulled from anywhere. But only slightly.

    Thermals plus Smoke makes it really mean against infantry as well. Use it to obscure their vision, not just to break locks.
  5. Halkesh

    You deleted the video.
    But for what i can say, yes AP lightning are surprisingly effective against vehicle. You can win an engagement against vulcan harasser (if they don't engage in your rear). The only vehicle that will make you strugguling is the vanguard. Magrider and prowler can be beat in 1vs1.

    I run rival since it allow me to turn on myself fast enough in CQC and the brake/reverse speed bonus is good.
    For long range I take frontal armor (lightning with frontal armor have the same effective HP than a vanguard)
    For CQC I take side armor (note with it, your side are more resistant than your front)
    On Hossin or to flank, I take stealth.
  6. Jake the Dog

    Thats not useful for an AP tank...
    There are other more useful options such as FS.
    Its always surprising that people don't know that the lightning out dps's the magrider and vanguards main cannons lol. I think beating the prowler 1v1 is situational, whever I lost to a single AP lightning in my prowler its when the got behind and got the initial shot there, otherwise any engagement even with the lightning having SA I always won.