Well, I can't say I'm sure just how you would compliment hacksaws with the shield. Putting the shield up removes your ability to attack, its a purely defensive item, and not a particularily good one to be frank. It doesn't resist indirect damage much at all, and the cover it provides even from the front seems pretty disapointing. I haven't played much with it though, so I am currently witholding judgement, but I also haven't felt the need to play much with it.. .A few short trips was all I felt I needed to decide that it wasn't worth sacrificing my charge ability for, not by a longshot. MAX is my primary class and I love playing it a whole lot, but I'm not feeling this one =p. I also don't agree VS are geting shafted in every patch.., I'm frankly too lazy to try and find out how long you have been with the game, but VS has had as many ups as the two other factions, and as many downs. I think we could all agree that the VS MAX was at a slight disadvantage before the latest patch, but I do not question for a moment that they are now easily back up with the big boys again! Regardless, I expect to see tweaks to the new stuff in the next week or so, as the data starts to come in. Unfortunately I barely faced off against any TR today, and I played NC all day too, so I have no experience with how their MAX is looking these days. I tend to want to play all 3 factions equally, but most of my friends pull towards NC so I play a little more on that one than I do the others.
Really now.. You stop reading at the part where i say the NC max can kill 4 enemies without support? Wow, just.. Wow. Alright then, i wasted minutes of my life to put forward a post and you do not even read it fully through, then say ''When you kill with NC MAX (without support) 4 enemies call me. You know what.. At the bottom of my previous post i suggested they BUFF the shield, make it wider and allow you to run while using it so its not a purely defensive ability, but if thats how little you give a damn about another persons opinion, then enjoy feeling UP. People like you are the reason i left the NC, doing nothing but complaining and not learning anything. Im gonna keep enjoying my time with the actual tactic using VS that know their strengths and weaknesses. Enjoy your shield.. Almaru, Waterson. And for anyone that feels like proving to this guy that the NC MAX can still go on a 4+ killstreak without support, please do.
still taking dmg trough the shield from all explosiv i know how to use it but the shield CANT <--- CANT beat air untis because the rocket explosions behind me are still hitting me so its nearly useles wenn everyone have rocket launchers hitting u iam faster down now thanks to the aegis shield then ever bevore. all my certs are going into my max ur just a blue shiyning target because everyone sees u from a mile away and because ur so slow ur taking every bullet so its useless outside in a building all TR max who are using this dart or vs with explosiions killing u faster then u can say "eagis shield" and not even this now every max can kill tanks faster and better exept the NC max my shield is usless for a tank the VS or TR maxes can help with more fire power i cant cover my tank, sundy with my shield i cant fire 30% faster or stronger to clear the area from air untis i just can ******* stand there an look trough my shield . iam an NC max i love my scattercannon bevore the nerf it was okay littel bit OP , but now i cant even stand against a VS max if not every bullet from the scatter is hitting him its a ******* close range gun who can just use its power if ur in a 5-10m range after this ur useless. and iam talking just about 1o1 max not like everty time iam encountering 1max and a bunch of engies max my shield brings me just in close range to just die under thier feet thanks for listening meaybe^^ the shield is cool no doubt but need to be fixed
Was forced out of a TR biolab by an NC MAX rush, largely due to their shields and the complete idiocy of my fellow VS, who could not understand that bouncing grenades off the ceiling was the best way to kill all the engineers behind the NC MAXes. They just fired into the mass (interfering with the LOS of those MAXes and heavies who had weapons that could actually do something) with little effect like their brains were early 90s AI scripts that didn't make the cut for Wolfenstien 3D's *****. Then we were Warpgated on two continents. Anyway, yeah, 1 on 1 the NC MAX will lose to a VS ZOE max almost every time, unless caught at point blank range (which still happens on occasion). 5 on 5, even if both sides have equivalent support, usually means all the VS are dead and at least three NC MAXes are still standing.
Aegis is my new go to ability. Way much more useful in confined spaces, where teamworks pays off, and having these to block damage while reloading those FUEKHUGE Shotgun reload times really gives me a nice survivability. Yes, charge is an equally awesome ability for NC MAXes, but where's charge is a more defensive move, Aegis is an offensive move. I do push forward inside rooms with more willingness using the aegis then using the charge ability. As do my outfit comrades behind me. That shield soaks up a LOT of damage, and I become a bullet magnet so my teammates don't need to. I would prefer if I could actually activate it and have my shotguns at disposal (1 shotgun would be enough), but actually having such a shield and be able to use BOTH shotguns would warrant us a nerf much quicker then against ZOE. It has a LOT of uses the shield. Yes, I sacrifice my escape, but since the MAX Shotgun nerf, the escape/engage mechanic became less meaningful to us. Both are good, but both are specific. I've wanted more protection inside bases, and I got it.
I just wish that the VS got a team work ability and not a "give your allies the shaft by not letting them fire at the enemy because the max will intercept all your bullets"
Are you getting any damage bleed through at all? I've only used it a couple of times to test. I've certed up to Level 5 and against 1 LA at about 50m directly in front of me, he was hitting me as if I had no shield at all. I then tested it against a group of enemy at a Tech Plant where we were outnumbered. Come out onto the top level of the spawn, fire at a couple of enemies to get their attention, put up the shield. Die.
After watching in awe as my shield failed to block damage from frontal rocket hits multiple times tonight, I'm putting the ability away. A directional shield with a start-up delay in a game with client-side hit detection simply does not work.
The aegis shield is the worse ability and it ****** worthless. Today at bio lab we had 10 nc max put up shield trying to be heroes telling all the infantry stand behind us we will lead the way lmao under 10 seconds all the infantry and maxes died that how ****** worhtless it was even the VS lol at chat on how ****** bad it is.
We got kicked out of a facility by two flipp'n Shield/Shotties and some Engineers and medics along with the standard fair of NC heavies that lean heavily on using shotguns to get around.Granted, we killed a lot of their support, but those Max units just refused to fall down long enough for us to keep the point when we would take it back. Also I went against it while using a HEAT cannon on my Lightning. Two of the MAX units stepped forward, displayed shields and blocked loads of damage. I should have been slaughtering them, I only managed to get a couple of Engineers before having to retreat. Granted, I came back and just had a slower farm, but those shields were annoying me. It's a great option that doesn't make you stand still and wait to get merced like Lock Down. Anyone saying it's bad is just doing it wrong.
Well in this current update our sniper saron got "buffed" into a smg for example. Whenever new things get introduced VS tend to get the short end of the stick
The best use i've found for the shield (rank 4) is mass spotting large groups of enemies and attracting fire. While both are useful for my team, it's not really much fun. And i can live with splash damage chipping away my health but even with frontal small arms fire you keep getting damaged, it's as if every third bullet just goes through the shield.
To be honest, I lost interest after watching 5 minutes of 3+ ScatMaxes camping a door. That is kind of their speciality, shield or not. Did they ever get around to pushing down the stairs? I agree about the Raven outside, the shield is great for that.
Thanks to my shield and a couple of Engineer mates, we held a TR platoon for 8 minutes inside Silver Valley's point. Long enough to flip and start getting some small reinforcements, but then we finally fell. Had been C4, missiled, HE'ed and still survived. The shield hands out a HUGE amount of survivability that Charge could not. Charge is an escape ability, not a survivability ability. If you are low on health, even with charge you have a large chance of dieing. The shield (if you know the kinks) will add up enough survivability that you'll outDPS the other MAXes at close range. Haven't lost a 1v1 engagement since changing to the shield that I have started. Hell, I blow MAXes before they destroy me, locked down and ZOE'd, being as good as one time killing 2 MAXes (1 locked down) and 1 engineer before finally succumbing. The shield is VERY USEFUL, but you must understand that, without the charge, you are 100% commited to the battle. No escape, just win or die. The shield adds a lot of win to that. The biggest problem with ZOE is that it reaps people apart from distance. More then once we fought to a standstill against VS mostly because their ZOE'd Dual Vortex/Comets were holding tanks just fine. The AV damage output is just too strong, with no counter to the at range.
I only found myself so far in only one situation that I got surprised by the use of the shield. I was in a magrider dueling a NC max at short range. My shots apparently bounced off his shield dealing no damage, and while I was reloading he pegged me with 2 falcons and raised the shield again. This only worked of course because I didn't have a gunner at the time, and in any case I was able to escape easily. I can see the shield being buffed to be much more resistant to small arms, or granting some beter coverage, but overall I admit it's somewhat situational.
The amount of times i've been killed through my shield... I'm not sure I agree with the OP at all. I'm actually starting to think that the problem with getting killed so fast is due to it's net-like ability for catching friendly fire! Step out into doorway to approach enemy position with shield up... Shield only blocks a % of incoming frontal fire that would otherwise cause full damage to the MAX Unit... Shield catches a % of friendly fire, from behind the MAX Unit, that would otherwise have gone right past... MAX Unit dies still will more than half shield left.
The Aegis shield is bugged anyway, I take small arms fire from the front and still take max damage (not shield damage). Even if this was fixed, the shield is only half as useful as TR lockdown.