I would prefer to be able to sprint while having the shield up. I mean, the basic reusable animation is technically already there. MAXes always hold one arm up to their chest when using charge, so just letting NC MAXes to accelerate up to the normal sprint speed with the shield up would really open up more uses for the shield without being too powerful a change. NC MAXes can then keep up with regular infantry who are relying on them for mobile cover.
The aegis shield is trash so far charge saved my *** from so many ZOE maxes and c4s. I have not certed out the shield and im glad. Just seeing a NC max popping shield and die right away is just funny. 1 rocket takes out 40% of the shield and still take massive aoe damage and don't get me started with tanks. Don't care about the shield won't touch or use it and many NC still use charge over the shield.
I like the new Max's abilities. They make Maxes more interesting and give variety to the game. Soe is doing fine.
Really now? I needed ZOE to do that?.. huh.. Because last I checked I've killed more than that solo with just charge...
Because it's a new ability and one that's actually useful. I'll probably continue to use it on my AI in certain situations but I've taken it off my AV and AA MAX due to the damage penalty making it very noticeable against explosives.
It's so situational it's hardly useful. Imagine that we already have shotguns as weapons. We need the dash to get closer most of the time. The shield doesnt block your front 100% and someone who aims properly can own you. The NC max is the msot situational max in the game because of the 5-10m effective range of our weapon and they give it a situational ability? Look at how vanu spams zoe. You can see zergs of vanu maxes now. At least give the NC a proper AI range weapon so we can start going outdoors.
The shield doesn't block splash damage at all and damage still gets through the front while it is up. I mean if they made it bigger and made it so we could sprint with it up it would be nice, but other than that it slows us down too much and isn't reliable enough to be worth it imo.
I used both and I also play VS and TR - And the notation on being invincible is a clear comparison on what you get offered as VS MAX ZOE for lil runsped only 5% dmg on VS weapons - taking double dmg in turn.
So what are your character names again? I've posted mine several times but you appear to have something to hide.
The shield is good, and it is useful. It's simply not inline with the other 2 new MAX ability's. The problem is the 2 new MAX ability's will actually destroy the shield in one clip and the MAX doesn't have the ability to swap and shoot back under those circumstances. Shield vs Infantry is pretty good, shield vs MAX's is pretty close to uselessness. The shield REALLY needs a major buff.
You don't take double damage, you take 5% more damage. The calculations are done after the armor midigation, not during. IE 100 damage at 80% resist = 20, 20% more damage on 20 is 4, thus your taking 24 damage compared to 100 - 60%(80% - 20%=60%) which is 40.
Yeah honestly I thought the ZOE was going to WAY THE HECK OP. But when it went live, especially with the big fights on indar now, I get OHK using it almost every time I use it (admittedly I usually get at least 2 kills first, usually in the 3-6 range? that is a fair amount). Even with the near instant toggle on/off If you get hit from behind you're just SOL. That being said I still think the the Vanu MAX got the best of the three for sure, maybe just not as OP as I thought it would be. After trying all the new MAX abilities out I think it was actually TR that got shafted, for the deploy/undeploy delay, restricted firing arc and immobility the rof buff just doesn't seem good enough to justify making yourself a sitting duck.
Oh wow, so with ZOE the vanu MAX can kill 4 or more people alone without support? Sounds like the NC MAX before the nerf to shotguns, except, it can still do that. Guess what I used to do on my NC MAX before i switched to Vanu a month ago out of boredom? Walked around alone in bases, around capture points etc with Charge equipped, dual hacksaws and Nanite auto repair or whatever its called at rank 4. Guess what I could do ALONE? Kill 3-4 people within 30 seconds of each other, murder other MAX's fairly easily, then run the hell away and wait for my auto repair to repair me for a little bit, then rinse and repeat.. Guess what I could do WITH support? Annihilate other MAX's, destroy regular infantry and act as a meatshield for the combat medics that used to stand behind me and ress the people that died near me. You seem to think that ZOE makes the user Immortal or something. Let me tell you, it does NOT. Against every single MAX in this game, no single HA, LA, Engi, combat medic or infiltrator can WIN if they have full HP in a 1 on 1 fight between them. MAX vs MAX are on the other a more even battle, they both have the same HP, they both do the same damage and both of them die stupidly easily to explosive damage. Dont try to act like the NC MAX is the only MAX that is vulnerable due to the new abilities. All they need to do is buff the shield and increase its HP and front Size, maybe add the ability to run while using it. Nerfing ZOE to hell is not the answer.
I use the Aegis all the time and love it, oh no please don't shoot me mr prowler... oh you did... oh well no harm done... eat my ravens But PLEASE do keep moaning that it is UP, give me more protection by all means
Us poor VS tend to get shafted in every patch, we finally got something useful and so yes a lot of people are over-using it atm but it is not as powerful as everyone makes out. I do agree that you poor nc got the short end of the stick this round and id be perfectly happy with you being able to run at normal max sprint speed with the shield up. The shield isnt a total waste it just needs a little love and im sure it will compliment your hackmaxs perfectly.
Where are my certs for that? TR and VANUS abilities help to double the farming XP while NC gets no XP.