Thankyou on Behalf of Myself and other Briggs Players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BeyondNInja, May 1, 2014.

  1. BeyondNInja

    Dear PS2 Developers, Customer Service Staff and RadarX
    On behalf of the players on the Briggs server, I would like to thank you all for all the hard work you've put into getting our server back up to the state it is now. I know it hasn't been an easy time for anyone, with the players frustrated by not being able to play a game they love, the developers being frustrated atthe difficulties in resolving the problems and for the customer service/community management staff having to deal with disgruntled players. However it would seem that the Briggs server is now fully functional and back on its feet, so I'd really like to thank everyone involved for what has been achieved.

    I'd specifically like to think RadarX for doing his best to keep us throughout the complex process. I'd like to thank the developers, coders etc for their persistence in solving the issue and also those responsible for the swift (and in my opinion quite generous) compensation policy for players affected.

    You almost lost the Briggs community, but I'm happy to say, that in my eyes at least, you've earned back our respect and good will. I just hope that those who have already left the game can be made aware of the fix and return to help build Briggs back up to its prime.

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  2. Paragon Exile

    Good to hear.

    Now get back out there and kill each other!
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  3. Moz

  4. Bulltahr

    Great post BN!
    Thanks for all the efforts from SOE staff to get Briggs back to it's normal self. I'm sure Connery players will be heaving a sigh of relief right now.......
    See you out there!

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  5. IamDH

    What was the compensation?
  6. Alarox

    Everyone got three free months of auraxium membership, I believe. Like ~35$ per person.
  7. TriumphantJelly

    WAT? I want compensation for crashes and 10+ hour downtime...
    Just 1000 SC? 500? 2?
  8. Tuco

    come back to Connery
  9. KO-tic

    I would like to praise SOE but No,

    The problem persisted for 5 months Nearly and SOE fixes it now ?
    It's like OMFG, the damage has been done

    ~Either way it's gone and I can finally play the game
  10. NinjaTurtle

    Briggs has had it much worse for months, they deserve it for sticking with the game through all the ****
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  11. TriumphantJelly

    So true.
  12. Alarox

    Nobody is entitled to any for of compensation.
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  13. BeyondNInja

    They didn't have to give us anything, however I think it was actually a very clever way of wrapping up the issue.
    Most other potential solutions that people tend to ask for such as free SC or double XP equal to loginside duration would have devalued in-game currencies (both SC and certs) and potentially broken the game.
    By giving 3 months of membership they fairly compensated those who were paying subscribers during the debacle and treated both paying and free-to-play players equally in the aftermath. The real stroke of genius though is that it will certainly help to get Briggs players back into the game so population can build back up, while also giving players who haven't been premium members before a 'taste' of the benefits, which could lead to more potential subscribers in the future. Win-win for everyone.
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  14. Llaf

    Glad they finally fixed it, who's to say how truthful they were when they said things like "We know there's a problem but we don't know what's causing it, and it's frustrating us just as much as you guys". I believe them, though many are still skeptical. I'm just glad they finally fixed it. 3 months of auraxium membership is pretty damn good as well, enjoy it while it lasts.
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  15. BeyondNInja

    Auraxium membership? Mine restarted from copper, despite my previous membership only ending last week...
  16. NCstandsforNukaCola

    Glad you guys got your server back!
  17. GoEErs

    It is good to hear. I left about 3 months ago to help the TR underpop on Mattherson. I had some good times on Briggs. Glad you guys are finally past this issue. Good Luck.
  18. Modern Ancestor

    If i could play on Briggs with any sort of reasonable FPS and lag i would visit you guys, but instead ill just drop few lines here to say im glad you got back to playing. :)
  19. Codex561

    What?! So thats... 500sc/month and... 1500sc!?!?! :eek:
    Numbers like that will make me come back to PS2
  20. IamDH

    Thats pretty good.