Thanks to the latest balance patch, the population balance is finally back to where it used to be

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ztiller, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. OldMaster80

    The problem soe cant balance Global population. They must adjust xp bonus for every single territory not for Global pop: every single battle in every single base must have its own bonus / malus. I say malus because 70% nc steamrolling a 30 vs should get very little xp.
  2. Mxiter

    I'm not sure taht it would be a good idea.

    The overpopped factiou would get some territories/ressources ect and still be able to get XP bonuses.

    If underpop faction zerg an higly population faction, it's the fault of the higly populated faction that prefers ghostcapping others places and shouldn't be rewarded for that
  3. OldMaster80

    That's what i'm saying: a huge zerg capping a base that's almost undefended should get very little xp. They should be encouraged to split in more even fights. On the other hand a small pop resisting a big assault should be rewarded much for each kill capture and defence.
  4. JudgeDeath

    For some reason Cobalt Pop has been going nuts lately.

    VS hit the new low with 23% pop while TR has been breaching 40%.
    TR and NC now share the 37-38% pop each and VS gets the rest.

    Having near half the total pop of the leading faction really limits the options. Then you have the normal "Lets attack the least popped faction together so we dont have to fight even fights" and you start to bleed even more players.

    Too bad none of this is really a problem for SOE, they bank on the hope that VS players will change to TR and NC chars and end up spending more SC on weapons and cosmetics there. Afterall they have allready tricked out their VS chars if they ever would. Some people might leave alltogether but all in all it must be actually good for the income.

    It is a shame thou, Cobalt used to be a very nicely balanced near 33/33/33 server before they started doing the "Balance patches" that definetly did the trick combined with nonstop "Recomended server TR and NC" that kept up even when VS started to fall far behind in numbers.

    Oh well, Lithcorp/Cobalt VS is used to being the underdog.
  5. Peter Daniel

    They did... they nerf it even more...
  6. Bush82

    the 4th faction must have moved to TR. i cannot play my TR mains on Ceres and Cobalt because of the stupidly high TR population the last week. i have joined Vanu to help them out..SOE give us ZOE to its original state so i can play my TR again.
  7. Prudentia

    NO! No XP Boosts for underpoped factions!
    Thats like having a war between China and the USA, giving everyone the same weapons and then adjusting for the superior numbers China has by giving every US Soldier 100$ more a month.
    Higby needs to realize that pop balance can only be achieved by introducing Combat multipliers to even out the combat advantage overpop gives you.
  8. Deschain

    I only really play at peak times on Matherson, that's around 2-3 hrs of game play, and i can tell you once the TR pop hits 50%-60% on Indar its time to go to the pub. Screw faction loyalty i'll pray to the Guinness god.
  9. Bankrotas

    Well VS are most boring faction, with no spice to their flavour and most boring tank I ever encountered.
  10. gigastar

    Its polite not to call names, and id rather not bring a minor Redditside flamewar here.

    All ill say is, they knew as well as any that Ceres had a balanced population at the time, and then despite knowing better they decided to ruin it.
  11. Huxer

    Let's be honest, you've never picked up a VS character in your life have you? Why speak from ignorance?
  12. Chipay

    Well then don't start it, PM me or what the heck but I want to know :p
  13. Bankrotas

    Had 4 VS chars. First one, I ditched due to Pro7 and created NC char on SOE account, now near 1.5k hours played, second VS char was 29 when I deleted it, third BR 13 but I needed the name on other server, so deleted and now I have BR 23. Still boring.
  14. chrisbeebops

    I think we need to complain about population balance some more. If history has taught me anything, it is that SOE totally listens to our concerns, takes them seriously, and makes changes to address these concerns.
  15. VoidMagic

    OMG did the 4th faction leave the VS?
    Nerf ZOE! Wake me up when were warpgated...