Thanks for the prox-mine nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Twistdlester, May 2, 2013.

  1. Twistdlester

    Because you cant fix the rendering issues with the mines not showing up correctly or falling through the floor you decide to nerf the entire Infi class .

    Do you really need to put lasers on prox mines ? does that even make any sence?

    What you should have done is fix the issues , removed the stupid lights from the TR mines, apoligise to the TR faction for having them artifically punished because of your sh itty coding , and let the infiltrators go about their business.

    If you are constantly getting killed by mines by running through buildings you are a moron
    If you are constantly getting blown up by mines because they dont render or are below the floor then SoE should fix the issue .
    • Up x 1
  2. Xind

    Mines should of never been on the inf class. It should of been C4.