Thanks for the double xp weekend

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blueangleofdeath, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. blueangleofdeath

    I just want to thank the devs and everybody on the miller server for the super fun time on this double xp weekend. Without you guys this wouldn't have been possible. This thanks is also going to you TR and VS because without you guys the game wouldn't be as fun and I wouldn't gain any xp out of it and vise versa.
    • Up x 1
  2. GaBeRock

    I think I made over 750 certs over it, so much grinding.
  3. Clay

    Well I once made over 5000 certs in one weekend on a double xp weekend. THAT was grinding. With membership and boost though :D
  4. GaBeRock

    true. I occasionally had people with squad boosts/memberships in squad, but didn't use any of my 1-hour boosts I got from WDS. Playing with a good liberator crew on an underpopped continent is some amazing spm, though.