Thanks for the certs, NC.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ransurian, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Ransurian

    Nearly 1100 certs within about 2 hours and 20 minutes of gameplay. Mind you, this is without a boost, although I've got a membership bonus on top of the bonus certs being handed out today.[IMG]
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  2. Ransurian

    Might have to click on the picture to see a clearer image.
  3. Flamberge

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  4. CipherNine

  5. Gambitual

    How did you get 1100 certs with 100 kills? That itself is a feat. Either a lot of Extreme Menace and Vehicle kills or support activity not directly related to the opposing faction.
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  6. iller

    N.C. in a nutshell.

    Higby needs to find a way to nerf stupid
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  7. Oberlion

  8. minhalexus

    It is double XP today, so you have a 100% boost.

    I know, cuz I've been getting 200XP for each kill even though I don't use ANY boost.
  9. Ransurian

    The former, for the most part. I was almost exclusively in my Prowler for the duration of the session, and there were an obscene number of NC vehicles to kill. On top of that, I had an excellent gunner manning my Halberd.

    With an Auraxium boost and a double XP day on top of that, it's possible to net something like ~2000 - 2300 XP per MBT / Sunderer kill.
  10. NCDaniel

    Nice. You make me look poor.
  11. Ransurian

    Considering your overall stats, I rather doubt that. :)
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  12. Stargazer86

    Today is a double XP day? Did they announce this?
  13. Oberlion

    maybe bug
  14. Gambitual

    I envy you. All the streamers be making like 4 certs a kill every other kill. But anyway, if you were tanking, than that does certainly explain some of it.
  15. Sharpe

    Seems like srs bsns!
  16. TheKhopesh

    Killing NC, not a difficult feat.
    HeII, even the NC do it on a regular basis! :mad:
  17. Alarox

    No problem, TR. Just paying you back for the other day:

  18. Teshrrar

    Nice. While that I'm the idiot gaining ~100 certs hour for try do objectives for the faction.

    I should play this **** like CS as everybody else...
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  19. Axehilt

    Over 115k score/hr after 2+ hours is very impressive!