Thank you to the best dressed players in Auraxis

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Curved, May 6, 2014.

  1. doombro

  2. Curved

    Ms Dactyl, has anyone ever told you that you're awesome?
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  3. Clay

    I have all 4 of your Camos and love them :)
  4. NC_agent00kevin

    Trashcam is sexy as F. Bought it on NC and VS both. Would buy again for TR whenever I start playing TR.
  5. NC_agent00kevin

  6. Clay


    Used Camos: Air (Scythe), Esamir Mountaineer (HA), Tundra (LA), Plood (Weapons)
  7. IamDH

    Someone needs to make a picture of the terminator wearing planetside camo saying "It'll be back"
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  8. Curved

    Update: I hadn't been able to log in for months, but I was able to yesterday. I found out that three more of my camos have been published (woo hoo!) The survey has been updated with Ploodcam, Basecam, and Stickam. Thanks for all the compliments folks. There's still some more camos that are unpublished.
  9. JorgeSarcos

    Ehm... bump? Who won?

    Just remembered last night about this post, someone told me yesterday that you deserved an award for the Tundra camo and i suddenly remembered this thread lol
  10. Gallant

    None of the last years camos came back. Too bad because the were better than this year's. Another broken promise
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