Thank you, Helios TR!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HyperMatrix, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. HellionX

    Is that why NC has most of the population? Because TR and VS are the 4th empire? Neat !
  2. SolidSnake

    Yet whenever I login during primetime the server population is almost even between NC/VS... TR almost always lags behind but not by much, say about 5-6%. Care to post what time that screenshot was taken? or are you guys once again trying to make others feel sorry for you by posting population screenshots taken during early morning hours when most West Coast players are asleep?

    Posts like this makes me wanna play NC even more. The fact that you need the other faction's help to beat the NC is reassuring to me, and don't act like this is the first and only time the VS have ever done this. When the NC WG was located north of the Indar map, you guys would almost exclusively push north from your WG, pop numbers be damned. Soon as we pushed into TR territory you guys would zerg our lightly defended part of the map then when our platoon showed up, it went from "enemy platoon detected to enemies detected" in a matter of minutes. The VS are masters at taking empty continents and bases with next to no defenders.
  3. huundar

    LMAO!!!!!!! You sir are my hero. NC guy whining about higher pops taking caps. NC have had it easy for so long on Helios, It's about time they got a taste of their own medicine. NC on helios is the 4th faction. All filled with game mechanic abusers that enjoyed the OP Maxes and missiles until they were fixed. Now all of a sudden they cry.
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  4. BHB_rightnow

    Well played guys. I for one welcome the double team. NC have grown complacent.
  5. Leopard

    I'm sorry when did NC take Indar? Congrats on being a hypocrite =)
    Congrats to VS rather have you guys have it than the NC, tired of their always overpopulated faciton! I wish there was a screenshot I could see :D
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  6. Sabreur

    Congrats all, wish I had been there. Freaked me out when I logged on this morning to check the sale and saw the 10% infantry discount!
  7. RachelGomez

    You mean, cheesy tactics like waiting until you had 70% population and roflstomping the map with a massive, mindless zerg?

    Please. We're just returning the favor.
  8. vaxx

    Crack rock....its a helluva drug isn't it?

    Zerg crying about being zerged....this is priceless.
  9. Peacemaker12

    As an NC...I ain't even mad. (well okay maybe I'm a little mad) When we capped Indar, we hit it with a giant zerg and 60% continent overpopulation and everything. You VS did the same thing when you capped Indar, so I don't blame you really. Good job on capping Indar.

    Right now I wish I had a screenshot of that EXE Liberator rush. It was amazing and terrifying at the same time seeing all of them fly in.
  10. Reposite

    i was on waterson when all these happened...

    darn you guys were mean didnt call me for reinforcements :p lol
  11. Jube

    Better the VS than you over populated scum.
    In fact I'd go so far as to call a general truce between the TR and VS during non-peak hours and alerts that have the NC population far exceeding either of ours. During peak hours or alerts that have even or close to even odds though all bets are off.
  12. Compass

    Population 27/28/45 SOUNDS FAIR.
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  13. NoctD

    Sad - I had a lot of respect for Helios TR previously... but you're now just mere lackeys of the purple spandex boys.
  14. NoctD

    Make that population 55/45, since you sold your souls to the VS. ;)
  15. Compass

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  16. Valena

    This is the kind of thing I'd like to see on Mattherson, but our TR are too busy fighting each other and our NC are too busy Rambo'ing around for anything like this to ever happen :(
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  17. Hibiki54

    That's like the pot calling the kettle black. You might want to rethink your post and take a good long look in the mirror before posting your chicanery. Just remember than the NC has been the least nerfed (excluding general nerfs to common pool items) since the game came out and until the recent Phoenix and Scat MAX nerf.

    In truth, I'm not mad that we lost the continent. VS and TR kicked our ***. We deserved to lose it after all the BS in command chat and the lack of response by allied outfits on Esamir. They, for some stupid reason or another, do not believe in defense and holding our territory. They let TR and VS take everything around whatever dumb objective they are pushing. They wanted to cap Esamir during the Alert and FAILED. We won the Alert, but it was not a dominating victory. Meanwhile, we lost our Indar cap despite pleas for them to come back and help. So it ending up being 40-60 NC players defending Arc Bio and trying to push out against multiple VS and TR platoons.

    I'm not really hating on VS and TR at this point. I'm just ashamed to be an NC Outfit Leader knowing who my peers are.
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  18. NoctD

    This is all too funny - back on Genudine, they always denied the VS/TR alliance. Now they're celebrating their brotherhood! :)
  19. RachelGomez

    The Primary outfits that did this, VAST, DPSO, and EXE, are Helios natives. We have declared armistice before when the NC were naughty.
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  20. NoctD

    Congrats to you guys then, and nicely done. I love all the drama Indar caps create!