Thank You for nerfing Airhammer.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rahte, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. rahte

    I was mostly suggested by youtube movies: most of them are TR and VS. Not reviews, but gameplay. Do not be easly suggested by game nick.

    but it doesnt matter. it is out of toppic.
  2. Mirta00

    Now that he's a dev ofcourse he is required to cross faction and see all sides. That's a given. In the early days though? Well his favourite weapons were VX-7 and Eridani, think thats pretty telling on where he spent most of his time.

    But no, nothing to do with the topic. Of which the Airhammer is totally fine. Still killing with it, in its intended role without issue.
  3. rahte

    Sorry man. but it is off topic.
  4. rahte

    Sure it is fine. Because it's killong potential has been nerfed to the ground :) As an devoted TR and VS player I want him to be fine like this all the time.
  5. Drag0

    Yup I have it certed and never use it - total garbage
  6. rahte

    Recently I tried L-PPA, because I was wondered why Vanu players complaining about it.

    It is greate weapon !!! Effectiveness is like couple orders of magnitude larger than Airhammer.

    I was wondering why they are complaining about it? Maybe it is because that when You play Vanu, and You always have greate weapons, then when something is mediocre, not bad, but mediocre, then in comparison it look bad. There is no other explanation.

    The only area where it was not working was air to air, but neither Airhammer did before this nerf.

    Maybe that was it. Most of the equipment used by NC is literally peace of junk. Airhammer did what it supposed to do, and was nerfed, because it was so surprising is comparison to others that it was immediatly nerfed?

    Like I said. Right now Airhammer is safe to use. It will not do harm to VS and TR.