Thank You for nerfing Airhammer.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rahte, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. adamts01

    That's really it, as running an AI nosegun is just suicide. Then you get non-stop **** for using LOLpods, but we're really forced in to that setup.
  2. ButterNutts

    Connery NC already has issues with trying to have air superiority.

    VS and TR always have AA ready while NC barely has any AA at the ready so it's always TR and VS having a field day in ESF's.

    I can't stay in the air for no more than a minute or so on my NC, but with my VS and TR who are also Connery, I can stay in the air for an indefinite amount of time so long as I'm fighting NC.
  3. adamts01

    It's been an absolute nightmare finding decent TR pilots to fly with on Connery, if our air game is ever strong, it's purely because of numbers. NC has at least a 2 or 3 great pilots grouped up at all hours, and then the VS keep at least a full 12-man up in the air. It's pretty frustrating being TR when if there even is any friendly air, it's too busy LOLpodding spawnrooms to fight off enemy air. But yeah, we usually have a ton of AA to make up for having no decent Mossy pilots. I think it all comes down to Daybreak doing everything they can to make the air game inaccessible to new players, it just sucks.
  4. Daigons

    i guess it just depends on which server you picked? There always seems to be 12-24 TR pilots on 24/7.
  5. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    OK? My first post in this thread is gone? As in deleted gone... what gives?
  6. rahte

    Everyone have to admire what they have done with Airhammer. First they nerfed direct damage to add indirect, and right now they nerfed indirect to balance everything out. Two small changes within couple of months, one hidden in large patch, and everything is in right place. I love it. Brilliant.

    Weapon is right now completly safe for TR/VS, and NC can use properly.... and be blamed that they can't use their weapons.

    And the best part is that they can always say that it is automatic now.
  7. stalkish

    LOL, trolled by the forums? :p
  8. OldMaster80

    All of this is ridiculous. The problem was not the AH. The problem is bigger: it's ground troops have almost no way to counter this or that weapon. It's not the ppa nor the ah nor anything else. It's this completely idiotic idea ESF must be able to hover and fire lethal weapons on infantry whose weapons are instead considered a deterrent. Stop nerfing air weapons but give us something sky knight can really fear!

    Good job devs, keep balancing the air game tuning one weapon or two every quarter. Maybe by late 2020 the air game won't suck so much.
    • Up x 2
  9. rahte

    Problem is that only AH was nerfed.

    VS and TR air to ground were buffed.
  10. Cyropaedia

    No. Approximately two patches ago, Airhammer was buffed and LPPA and Banshee were nerfed. Airhammer went auto with better damage and splash. Wrel said Airhammer was problematic because the damage buff didn't translate well to damage per pellet making it OP. Hence it was balanced in this patch. Now AH Reavers knows how it feels to be an LPPA Scythe.
  11. adamts01

    So true. I've only been playing a month, and I can equip scout radar and a banshee with thermal and get kills by the multiple of 20 compared to what I could get on the ground. Finally getting hit by a missile means 10 seconds away from the fight while I land and repair. It's just stupidly unbalanced. Why the hell did they hire such a biased pilot to make these decisions?
  12. rahte

    This is what I said couple posts ago:

    Cyropaedia - You lie.

    Sorry men. The AH was not buffed. The damage were transwered from direct to indirect. It was not OP, because It was equally good in killing infantry like Banshee, but singnificantly worst in killing other things. Banshee has never been nerfed it was buffed. LPPS was nefed.

    Right now AH is ready for TR and VS so NC could use it. It is safe for them.
  13. Mirta00

    Just made me think of this for some reason lol.

  14. Cyropaedia

    7/7 Patch Notes:

    M30 Mustang AH
    §Is now an automatic weapon
    §Reload speed from 3sec. to 2.6sec.
    §Magazine size from 5 to 10
    §Ammo capacity from 60 to 120
    §Ammo provided from Ammo Capacity cert line from 6 per rank to 10 per rank
    §Direct damage from 175@50m-125@100m to 65 at all ranges
    §Minimum indirect damage radius from 1m to 2m
    §Maximum indirect damage from 200 to 100
    §Minimum indirect damage from 1 to 50

    Wrel said something about minimum indirect going from 1-50 (tuned to 8 or however many pellets) ended up being a de facto direct damage buff. Not sure if this meant 50 x 8 = 400 damage? He stated this on Reddit and a video. Too lazy to find the video (might have been a Joshino vid). Hence the necessary nerf.
  15. rahte

    In other words: Like I said.

    Previous Patch.
    Damage was transferred from Direct: 175/125 ---> 65 and Indirect close: 200 --> 100 to Indirect Long: from 1 --> 50.

    Current Update:
    Right now the Indirect Long Damage has been nerfed.

    Like I said. Weapon is right now safe for TR and VS so NC could use it. Dont worry it will not kill You anymore.

    Thank God, that we will be able to tap fire it :)

    Any comments on Your prevous statement that Banshee was nerfed and it was not?
  16. Cyropaedia

    You aren't addressing the concerns Wrel brought up. There were unintended consequences to the Airhammer buff from the 7/7 patch. He said the pellet mechanic didn't translate the damage adjustments well. AH became way too powerful. If they nerfed long damage, it seems to correlate with Wrel's observation.

    As for Banshee. Two points were considered nerfs: (1) ESF nose gun resistance and (2) cone of fire reduce (aka more precision). That was my impression from the TR outcry immediately after the patch. Perhaps a higher skill ceiling?

    oNow uses the ESF nosegun resistance
    oMagazine size from 32 to 35
    oAmmo capacity from 256 to 280
    oAmmo provided from Ammo Capacity cert line from 32 per rank to 35 per rank
    oMaximum indirect damage radius from 0.3m to 0.5m
    oMinimum indirect damage radius from 1 to 2m
    oMinimum indirect damage from 10 to 20
    oMaximum cone of fire from 1 to 0.75
  17. rahte

    ESF nose guns resistance were as far as I can remember were for every single ESF, so non of it directly affected only Banshee.
    The same with cone of fire.

    I other words You missinformed others.

    I am not addressing, because they are not relevant. I have seen that video before. AH was not way to powerfull. It was mediocre. Was descent in one thing: killing infantry, and because of damage transfer is was worst than TR and VS counterparts in eliminating other type of targets.

    Right not is has been nerfed in killing infanrty targets and prevoiusly was nerfed in eliminationg other type of targets.

    And right now it is, like any other NC weapon, safe for TR and VS to use it.
  18. Cyropaedia

    Perhaps Banshee's adjustments were a wash. I guess it had a different feel for the TR thereby eliciting some groaning here on forums?

    Wrel's observations matter. He's no longer just a fan. He's a game developer.
  19. rahte

    I know and he is responsible for the most important thing in FPS: Balancing. Battlefield 4 on bad balance lost like half of players? I like this game.

    Yeah I have the same feeling about TR here :) They are complaining about every single buff that they have.

    About Banshee: Look. Buffing the incirect damage for it and changing the cone of fire to smaller game that weapon incredible potential in focusing all those indirect damage on smaller area. How do You think that increaced its killing MAX potential? Moreover. They can do it from longer distance (smaller cone of fire), which affect damage which they take from anti air, and they can right now easier withdraw from lock-on rockets.

    How do You think that nerf to AH will affect that? With AH right now I am not only not able to kill MAX, but I habe to come closer to the ground to kill anything.... You know effects of that.

    Wrel plays mainly TR.
  20. Mirta00

    Doesn't Wrel main VS?

    I'm mean the character 'Wrel' is a sovereignty character, has been for as long as I can remember. The sneaky git killed me with the Lumine Edge the other day while I was trying to LOLRailjack from a 987654321 kilometers away :(

    edit: looked it up and yeah. Knife kill streak, probably testing the new update but eww. Knives and stalkers :mad: