Thank You for nerfing Airhammer.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rahte, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. rahte

    As a devoted TR and VS player I was so confused every time when I was killed by Airhammer recently. Why?!? It is so unfair and unbalanced! I love changes that Daybreake made to Airhammer.

    Right now not only they will not be able to kill MAX's with it, but they have to come even closer and stay longer to acctually kill anything, and that gives me perfect opportunity to hit them with small arms and rockets.

    My friends who flies mosquitos and scythes absolutely loves that balance. Damaged Reavers will be easier targets for other ESF!

    I would be perfectly happy when my skill in using TR/VS equipment and weapons allowed me not to be hitted by Airhammer at all, by extending the spread of pallet 10 times, but for now it is ok! I am happy that changes are going in to the right dirrection. Maybe at some point we will teach NC that it is our superrior tactics that gives us victory.

    We don't need NC.... probably they do not pay for their good weaponry anyway.

    As a suggestion I have to say that ideal situation would be changing Airhammer in to the Hand-to-Hand blunt weapon.... Mano-a-mano.
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  2. rahte

    OH! I forgot to say that it is NC fault that they do not use properly their weapons.

    Sorry! My mistake!
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  3. LaughingDead

    Because infantryside doesn't like shotguns, in any form
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  4. Pat22

    I think I speak for all L-PPA users when I say: cry me a river.
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  5. Demigan

    Edit: seems to be some sarcasm going on in the OP that I didn't pick up at first glance.
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  6. Pat22

    It's not very good sarcasm.
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  7. Demigan

    Not very good as in not very well said or not very good as in "it's not really got a point".

    Because it absolutely has a point.
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  8. Pat22

    Not very well said
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  9. Corezer

    IMO they should have reverted the AH to the original configuration but with reduced damage against tanks/sunderers because it was way too powerful in that department.

    Then they should have moved the other empire AI noseguns in that direction. multipurpose with a lean towards AI, rather than dedicated farm tools that leave newer pilots jaded towards the air game when they find they are useless in all other situations like they are now.
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  10. 3Hedgehogs

    From the point of view of TR and VS Air Hammer is finally in an allmost perfect spot: mostly useless. But still I'm pretty sure to read whining that it should never kill TR or VS.

    While NC weapons in general are least powerfull, in every single patch I see nerfs to NC weapons. But at least VS got a L-PPA buff, so it will be easier to farm infantry from safe range.

    Yes, I'm bitter. I don't like the fact, that one faction is weaker than another two.
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  11. Riksos

    Where are the ESF Flamethrowers?
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  12. Pat22

    The L-PPA got a slight buff because the nerf it got from the previous patch was too great.
  13. KirthGersen

    I actually like new AH appearance: it became absolutely useless against heavy armor and these s**tters now ignore my Mag.
    I also enjoy it very much when I play NC. Just a brilliant AI nosegun.
  14. Newlife1025

    At this point, can we all agree that shotguns are broken in terms of range. Amd daybreak should reconsider shotguns in general (especially if you have a faction thats shotgun centered)
  15. Cyropaedia

    AH is now parity with LPPA. Scythe and Reavers with those nose guns are sitting ducks. Combined with Coyote and Tomcat nerfs, GL. Lol
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  16. LaughingDead

    Couldve sworn LPPA was on harassers and PPA was on scythes.

    Anyways, the nosegun nerfs in general are just getting ridiculous. First it was to "ensure it wasn't a viable A2A nosegun" then "it's overperforming the other two, nerf" now what? is PPA somehow not good enough? Are we just going into nerf AI mode? First tanks get an AI nerf, then topguns like LPPA, then HE, then libs now what? ESFs? How bout we nerf the anti infantry effectiveness of grenades? Dear lord aren't those spammed to oblivion, how bout rockets? Why do anti vehicle rockets need AoE? And while we're at it, let's just remove some weapons, like the kobalt, basalisk does it just as well if not better, know what? Let's just make it CoDSide, forget the vehicles make everything killstreak and infantry based.
  17. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    Clearly I meant in one life not in one pass - Troll confirmed or just plain stupid?
  18. Pat22

    Or you just can't take a joke.
  19. Crayv

    Sigh, sounds like they are trying to bring back the "BFR" loadout that is Rotary + lolpods.
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  20. adamts01

    Seriously. I absolutely love the Banshee, and used to run Coyotes as a backup to at least scratch enemy air, now you're completely helpless against A2A fighters. With the sad state of G2A, you need at least 2 or 3 dedicated AA teammates to kill the single enemy ESF before he ganks you. It's just stupid. I've only used the Banshee, but I get killed enough with the others to think that all three are too powerful against infantry. I'd like to see them nerfed a little in that regard but buffed against air, as it's clear we'll never have secondary weapons that can threaten enemy ESFs. The Coyotes and Tomcats already had a 30 second TTK if the enemy was sitting still and let you shoot them as fast as you could reload, it's just pathetic the skyknights whined about those weapons and got them nerfed, absolutely pathetic.