A general area to post feedback on all the changes in the test server. First thing is I am getting absolutely horrible fps on the select your empire on the new character screen. Normally 30 for menus but here it tanks to 10. Voice acting on the new content is fantastic. I did get some visual pop-in/glitching on the holo display things when going over the factions. While it shows how to place a waypoint I think new players need to know how to accept missions. It's currently burried in the UI and not easy to explain to new players.
Wrel. Или снимите бомбы. Или сделайте их доступными только инженеру. Это изменение никоим образом не решает проблем строителей.
Hmm the new tutorial can be broken if you use repair grenades on the vehicle terminal. There doesn't seem to be a way to restart it or fix it. It will be fully healed but will contine to ask you to repair the terminal without letting you use it.
I'm getting much higher GPU temperatures on the PTS build compared to the live server, even though the utilizations are somewhat similar. Here's a screenshot of a test run I've done in the sanctuary (I also get high temps on Amerish), check the maximum temperatures, they were pretty steady (also I took both screenshots after closing the game, so the real-time values aren't relevant), it's an almost 10 Celsius degrees difference, reaching a steady 93~94°C which is the highest temperature recommended for a GTX 1080, I'm probably getting some throttling too. Also, I've been playing around with the colorblindness filters and saw no difference at all, both in sanctuary and on continents. I've tried restarting the game but still, no difference from the regular game colors. Idk if it's just me or my settings (overall: custom / graphics : medium / textures : ultra / everything else off if possible or low)
Did a quick run through the character creation, tutorial and NPE mission. Nothing very thorough though. Overall I like it but there are some bugs obviously and some things are missing. - Character selection screen fps is abysmal. 10fps at 100% GPU load, going up to 20fps for the ES character customization screen and 24 for the server select one. In-game FPS is an easy 137 (capped at 144) at 3440x1440 ultra so it's not my machine. - First voice line in tutorial is cut short skipping to the next one without any interaction from my part. - Standing on the training pad at some location and angle, one of the three pads in front disappear from view. Any model standing on it will remain floating in the air. - I don't think there was a key hint for deploying the sunderer other than the small thingy beneath the passenger list. I did not fully drive into the garage (or the mission marker) before deploying it but that didn't progress the mission, it just told me to drive towards the waypoint again. Undeploying and driving into the garage again, further this time, made the shield go up and then immediately spawned the NPCs without having deployed first. No key hint in sight and it appears no obligation to deploy, but that may have been triggered already by my early deploy, idk. - Redeploy to warpgate (Back to the frontlines 11/16) just highlights the deploy button even when it's going to deploy you at a sunderer you may have placed somewhere. It does not specifically instruct to click the warpgate first. - After redeploying to the warpgate, that mission progress went up to 12/16 "Return to Field Commander" and interacting with him immediately completed the whole mission. Feels like some steps are missing or shouldn't be listed. - There was "no reward" for completing that mission. It wasn't really made obvious that you have to go back into the mission screen and claim the reward there, or that that screen existed at all. New players will probably be confused and won't know what to do. Overall I feel that the bottom bar could use some tutorial love, maybe at the same time when the player is requested to open the map. - Upon claiming multiple mission rewards, the rewards for the previous mission were still visible before the new ones came up to the screen. At least I saw the NPE helmet appear on my screen for one of the regular training missions as well. Missing: - An explicit pointer to or mention of the VR training area - Explanation of where to access the various screens (missions, implants, depot) - Maybe some melee and quick-melee thing in the tutorial
1. CHARACTER CREATE It's great to see you are addressing the 16:9, I quit my Ultrawide and went back to a small 27 inch screen, because I love this game that much. Nuff said. 2. NEW TUTORIAL Yawns, boring for a vet like me. 3. COLORBLIND FIILTERS More options always great for those that need it. 4. VARIOUS NPE RELATED CHANGES About all I see I even like, night visibility, , waypoints in 3d space, shield bars, the rest is robbing Peter to pay Paul in adjustments, nothing noteworthy. 5. SANCTUARY EMBASSIES Don't really care 6. LIGHTING UPDATES Long overdue, a great move. 7. CONTINENTS AND ALERTS You should have never shutdown TI Alloys in the first place. 8. MISSIONS don't care 9. VEHICLES nothing noteworthy 10. INFANTRY Butcher? I been saying it forever, you screwed this gun up with zero redeeming features in it's present state. Godsaw and Betelgeuse still a better choice. Cortium Bomb - Outfit Resources junk, don't care, it's junk. Nanoweave armor, it already received enough nerfs with headshots, your might as well remove it and refund. Example: No one with Heavyweight implant ran it much with a -10% movement penalty. Either remove it completely or work on stuff that has real merit, like one hit kill snipers that can cloak. Ammunition belt - great idea, how about giving heavy assault more rounds to carry while your at it, instead of 2 boxes Munitions pouch - need to be able to carry a hell of a lot more in order to have any impact on vehicles, my big issue though is when I try to be antivehicular man, I either get one hit killed by a vehicle or ran over as roadkill before I can shoot or reload. Flash grenade - long overdue for nerf 11. IMPLANTS Coldheart - Just strange Experimental Stims - worthless as your still playing wildcard at what you get. Symbiote - always been a worthless implant to me but some people bank on it, don't care Ocular shield - looks a little more useful, but I never run it. Avoidance - who cares Heavyweight - another worthless implant Assassin - who cares, use motion detectors instead or radar on vehicles Nanomesh Specialist - I use it sometimes, but rather take assimilate implant Paratrooper - worthless implant not worth the slot Sidewinder - yeah great more speed! MISC Fixes and Changes, always welcome Overall not a real smoking gun update or anything to get to excited about. The NSO operative update had more appeal but obviously running out of steam fast, your not addressing many more noteworthy causes with many unfinished projects. Chimera tank for example has horrible field of view as secondary gunner, lackluster secondary gun choices that need more refinement. Other issues like the Dervish feels completely incomplete with a wonky nosegun that can't aim for crap with zero precision compared to other ESF aircraft and I see no air superiority with these fighters. Even the Javelin can feel wonky trying to aim with a oversized front end. It's things like this that you should see through. Lastly when are you folks going to remove the oversized screen blocking handlebar on the NSO lightmachineguns that do a horrific job of blocking a players field of view?
Hmm, ok, so now I stuck at the Tutorial mission to warp to the VS Warpgate on Esamir. The Marker is on the Officer but the Mission still say to warp to the Warpgate. Things that I miss on the Tutorial: Discription of the freaking no deploy zone in a Sunderer, info that sooting the guns reveal you on the minimap