Test Server Update Notes : 7/1

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by d_carey, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. d_carey Developer

    Edit for clarity: This update is focused on the primary tank weapons, we will have some subsequent adjustments for the secondary tank weapons

    Similar to the adjustments made with the Liberator belly guns, we are making adjustments to tank primary weapons, rocket launchers and the bulldog to make them less effective against infantry.
    For the bulldog, blast damage is being adjusted so that the weapon requires more accurate shots. The air version will see a reduction in velocity, making it identical to the Zepher in that regard.
    • Blast damage reduced from 600 to 500
    • Inner blast radius reduced from 2 meters to 1 meter
    • Outer blast radius reduced from 6 meters to 5 meters
    • Air version only: Projectile speed reduced from 250 to 200 mps
    For most Heavy Assault rocket launchers, the standard blast damage and inner blast radius are being reduced. This will make them incapable of a 1 hit kill against full health infantry with splash damage alone. In addition, this will cause max rank flak armor to prevent a 1 hit kill with direct hits:
    • Blast damage reduced from 1000 to 750
    • Blast radius reduced from 0.5 meters to 0.35 meters
    • Affected launchers
      • S1
      • Nemesis
      • Hades
      • Hawk
      • Shrike
      • Crow
      • Grounder
      • Skep Launcher
      • ML-7
      • Annihilator
      • Decimator
        • Blast damage reduced from 1000 to 650
        • Blast radius reduced from 0.5 meters to 0.35 meters
    For tank primary weapons, we want to reduce the blast effectiveness of HEAT and HE, but this is problematic when effectiveness against infantry is typically what is considered to define them:
    • AP is anti-vehicle
    • HE is anti-personnel
    • HEAT is in between the two
    Instead we want to push all three variants towards anti-vehicle with HEAT being the base line. Infantry effectiveness is reduced, but so is the anti-vehicle damage trade-off. This means:
    • AP
      • Direct damage will be reduced in cases where AP can destroy a tank in 2 less shots than HEAT (down to being 1 shot less).
    • HEAT
      • Inner blast damage is brought in closer and is no longer be able to 1 hit kill infantry
    • HE
      • Remove reload speed penalty
      • HE blast size reduced, but retains the ability to 1 hit kill infantry.
        • The size reduction will require more accurate shots than before to obtain the 1 hit kill
      • There are a few cases where direct hits from HE takes 2 additional hits to destroy a tank compared to HEAT. These will be increased so they just require just 1 additional round.
    Line item changes:
    • Lightning
      • AP
        • Direct damage reduced from 1600 to 1400
      • HEAT
        • Blast damage reduced from 1000 to 750
      • HE
        • Time to reload reduced from 3750 to 3000
        • Direct damage increased from 1000 to 1100
        • Outer blast radius reduced from 8 meters to 5 meters
        • Inner blast radius reduced from 1.5 meters to 1 meter
      • Viper
        • Blast damage reduced to 450
    • Magrider
      • AP
        • Direct damage reduced from 1865 to 1600
      • HEAT
        • Blast damage reduced from 1000 to 750
        • Inner blast radius reduced from 1.5 meters to 1 meter
      • HE
        • Time to reload reduced from 4750ms to 3750ms
        • Outer blast radius reduced from 8 meters to 5 meters
        • Inner blast radius reduced from 2 meters to 1 meter
    • Vanguard
      • AP
        • Direct damage reduced from 2075 to 1800
      • HEAT
        • Blast damage reduced from 1000 to 750
        • Inner blast radius reduced from 1.5 meters to 1 meter
      • HE
        • Time to reload reduced from 4750ms to 4000ms
        • Outer blast radius reduced from 8 meters to 5 meters
        • Inner blast radius reduced from 2 meters to 1 meter
    • Prowler
      • AP
        • Direct damage reduced from 1250 to 1200
        • Blast damage reduced from 500 to 250
      • Heat
        • Blast damage reduced from 650 to 375
      • HE
        • Direct damage increased from 725 to 775
        • Time to reload reduced from 3500ms to 2500ms
        • Blast damage reduced from 650 to 500
        • Outer blast radius reduced from 8 meters to 5 meters
        • Inner blast radius reduced from 1.5 meters to 1 meter
    • Up x 6
  2. FrankHH

    And for what reason do you guys think these changes are good? Just curious. A shell or a rocket to the face should one-hit infantry, period. IT MAKES SENSE.
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  3. AdmiralArcher

    so...can we get an arming distance on the rocket launchers to prevent them from detonating in ones face? an to prevent accidental team killing?
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  4. Jachim

    Yet more tank nerfs. GG SOE, GG.

    Also why would anyone use AP anymore? If the difference is minimal between HEAT and AP, and the blast damage is being CUT IN HALF to 250 from 500, what is the point of having AP at ALL?

    I don't get what you're trying to do here other than pander to the COD players.
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  5. AdmiralArcher

    rockets should have arming distances, and the ones in the future are ejected out of their launchers before firing their main engines to prevent premature detonation and blast scarring on the user
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  6. Jeslis

    Not 100% sure why the primary Anti Infantry tailgun is getting... made less effective against infantry?
    Perhaps yes, the inner blast radius should be reduced.. but its hard enough to hit infantry in a wildly gyrating lib (due to how squishy they are now)..
    Thank you.

    To confirm; direct hits from ANY shelltype (other then viper?) is still a 1shot kill? (against infantry)
    Not understanding why the AP Prowler is getting a blast damage nerf, when the vanguard and magrider are not?
    With the AP direct damage nerf, are the # of shots to kill a tank the same as pre-patch? (eg; are resistances being adjusted so that the shot# is the same.. or not?)
    If not; why are we nerfing AP against vehicles.. when you are trying to shift ALL AP/Heat/He towards antivehicle more so then antiinfantry?
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  7. Nepau

    I'll be honest the AP damage change seems to make Little sense. The Prower gets such a small reduction that it puts it up top for All Main guns. Really I see no reason to Nurf the AP damage of the Magrider or Vanguard while leaving the Prowlers more or less intect, especally when you add in Lockdown.
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  8. Doc Savage

    The AP round reduction is a start in the right direction. If there was a way to change it so that I actually blasts after entering a vehicle's armor, even better.

    What is the radius on the Vanguard AP? I don't see that. Very frustrating being hit from over a kilometer away and not directly and dying from a VG AP round.

    Would like to see the splash damage on heavy rockets reduced even more. These are not anti-personnel weapons.

    Though, with all the good changes I see here, still doesn't take away the super ability of paid skills. Sad.
  9. Klypto

    First fear:

    Can A Heavy with shield and flack survive a Titan-150 AP round? <- Rage Quit forever worthy
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  10. Fink_NC

    Proton II PPA says Hi.
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  11. doombro

    Please stop nerfing the AP lightning. It's been abused enough. :(
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  12. TheBlazing

    Welcome back to Infantryside 2!

    [Planetside 2 theme plays, while on screen a horde of infantry is seen decimating HE tanks by spamming rockets while the HE tanks need almost perfect accuracy to kill one infantry guy]

    Now don't get me wrong, I do understand the need to make non-AI (AI means anti-infantry) weapons less effective at AI... Rocket launcher splash nerfed, okay, they are meant for vehicles afterall.

    But nerfing AI weapons? Lolwut? Why a general nerf to all HE rounds, and to the Bulldog? The Bulldog nerf in particular pisses me off, a lot. It's a super-short-range mortar that does no more damage to armor than a Basilisk does, it's supposed to easily kill infantry. I do understand that you want your players to aim, but this is excessive. My Sunderer costs 400 mech resources, plus 250 certs for one Bulldog, an unorganized horde of heavy assaults is free.

    Not to talk about the equalization of all tank cannons. After this, I want HE cannons to cost 250 certs and AP ones 500 at most. I mean, they were already sidegrades, now not only they got a general nerf, now they are even more similar to the baseline weapon of each tank. This makes absolutely no sense. If you want to sell this stuff for your precious Smedbucks, you need to make it worthwhile to buy. I'm not buying any AP or HE rounds if they require as much skill as the default HEAT to do nearly the exact same thing in nearly the exact same time.

    Also, Heavy Assault rocket launchers are supposed to be an anti-MAX weapon besides an AV one, with the damage nerf, they will do less damage to them, which makes no damn sense, unless of course you have any plans to change the MAX resist values against launchers. Arming distance would have been a much better choice.

    Not only that, but the general direction here seems to be "Let's make all vehicle weapons only effective against vehicles!". Nice job, in the meantime, infantry still have perfectly viable and often very powerful AV weapons of all shapes and sizes.

    Lastly, don't fix what isn't broken. Nobody asked for this, except the occasional "Waaah I want to play COD with no vehicles killing me Higby plz" post.
    Oh, and the solution to HE spam is better facility design, not blanket nerfs. Do what you did on Hossin (which is fantastic and well-balanced) on the other continents.
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  13. Inex

    I haven't gone to test, but considering flak + shield should be at least 2650 EHP, they should already be able to do that.
  14. Nepau

    In all honesty the Bulldog on ground vehicles are less effective on Infantry then they are on Vehicles. If this is more of a redesign to make the Bulldog better at AV ( leaving AI to the Fury) then I would be all for it.
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  15. Eskara

    You guys are insane with yet MORE tank changes. The mag gets the Ap damage nerfed again almost as much as the vanguard.
    M = 1600
    V = 1800
    P = 1200 x2

    So the prowler can deal out 33% more damage than the vanguard now and like 40% more than the magrider.

    When are you guys going to learn that the Mag needs so buffs to its tanking ability?! Even NC and TR guys keep saying it needs some love now!

    So damn annoying right now, every patch regarding tanks nerfs the mag a little more and takes yet more fun out of the game.
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  16. YouObiouslyLoveOreos

    This is stupid, why are you changing the AP, HE, and HEAT rounds? They were fine to me, and now there is almost no point in using AP since it only requires 1 more shot than HEAT, which is nothing. And now HE requires only 1 more shot than HEAT for killing tanks? Then if you want a versatile tank gun there's pretty much no point in going for HEAT for that since HE only requires 1 more shot for killing vehicles and is already better than HEAT at killing infantry, so its not really much of a downgrade at AV since 1 more shot is still nothing much. Why cant you guys just leave these things alone? If it aint broke, dont fix it!
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  17. Amrok1

    I like this. Less spam by people who cannot aim.
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  18. RoyAwesome

    Yessss. Get shrekt HE farmers. Nothing of value was lost.
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  19. vanu123

    Tanks need buffs not more nerfs.
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  20. Elrobochanco

    What makes sense is also one shot kills from most non sidearm infantry weapons. And also the ability to throw mines like an IED grenade.

    What makes sense isn't necessarily fun.
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