Test Patch Notes July 12, 2013

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by Luperza, Jul 12, 2013.

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  1. Sparks

    GU 14/15 they said in the latest episode of command center they wanted to change the lockon mechanics first before introducing new weapons.
  2. redmamba

    Is this a joke?
    I leveled my rotary to lvl4 to get extra 10 rounds and now I'll get 3 no matter what lvl it's certed!
    Can I get my certs back pls :eek:
  3. Eclipson

    Cmon SOE, whats the hold up with the test server patch? It doesn't have to be perfect, its the test server. Have you just forgotten, or is there a legitimate issue with the patch? It would be nice to some dev response.
  4. KodiakBlack

    It's amount per rank, so you will be getting less yes but its now a max of 12
  5. DFDelta

    Am I the only one who is kinda dumbstruck that there is no mention of fixed flak explosions in the bug fixes?

    That thing is in for over a month now and personally I think it is the worst bug that has ever hit PS2.
    I can't believe it is still not fixed.
  6. Marsodian

    Can we not at least get a heads up on what is going on?
    I mean, really, just tell us if something major screwed up, at least we know :)
  7. Van Dax

    coming out later today
  8. Deathcapt

    What I don't get, is why features are still hitting live without touching the PTS. "no one uses the PTS" because it's 1/2 *****. If the pts was simply 2 weeks ahead of live, then maybe people would want to test there, see the new stuff, and maybe they would find showstoppers before they go live. Instead, there's things that are finished the night before the GU goes out, that get into the GU, without ever getting onto PTS.
  9. Eclipson

    Thing is, how do we know? For all we know, SOE is gonna put it on PTS the day before the patch and expect to get decent feedback.
  10. Ripshaft

  11. Torok

  12. Kinya

    Luperza updated first post if you've missed it.
  13. sindz

    No on forced you to answer, you could simply ignore it. Its not normal to release a patch notes and say a patch is coming when its not.

    Now stop acting smart and just be quiet.
  14. Rak

    Here are my thoughts on the posted ESF changes. These are subject to change based on actual practice on the test server.

    A typical dogfight among two top pilots usually involves the pilots in a VTOL hover dance taking shots at each other, then using some v-thrust maneuvering to achieve better positioning against their opponent and avoid taking damage during their reload. Since the Vortek/Hailstorm/M18 Rotary currently have the same reload time and only a .2s difference in TTK, this means that they are all on pretty much equal footing in this situation. With the new Rotary stats however dogfights will have to be played completely differently based on your ESF of choice, which isn't a bad thing...unless you're the Mossie pilot.

    And before anyone accuses me of bias, know that I fly all 3 ESF's regularly.

    Now having the fastest reload time and fastest bullet velocity, the Scythe will always have a full clip ready when he needs it, and more of his shots will hit because of the faster velocity. The Scythe will have the luxury of having more time on target because he won't have to spend as much time maneuvering during reloads. I predict Scythes becoming the easiest ESF in the new air game.

    The Reaver will have a gigantic advantage in terms of TTK. According to reddominions new spreadsheet with the latest Rotary data, the Reaver now has a .45s faster TTK than the Hailstorm and .40s faster TTK than the M18. A Reaver pilot will have to be slightly more accurate than the Scythe pilot, but will do significantly more damage during every burst opportunity during the dogfight. Its DPS will win, and the Reaver will remain the ESF of choice for the best of the best pilots as a result.

    The reload time increase on the Mossie's rotary and its low DPS are going to make it the worst dogfighting ESF. The Mossie will miss many kill opportunities in a dogfight because of the reload while his opponent will have their entire clip available. The Mossie will have to spend a lot more time maneuvering during reloads while his opponent will be free to line up and take shots. SOE wants the Mossie's distinct trait to be "sustained fire"; however, sustained fire is absolutely, 100% meaningless in a close quarters dogfight where you will not have the time on target to make use of your sustained fire, reload time and DPS are what counts here, and the Mossie will not have either.
  15. Insolence

    I don't know if anyone else ever PVP'd in EQ1, but if you did then you know how much of a difference a high damage, slow swinging 2H made in PvP compared to a low damage, fast swinging 2H. This is the example I think of with these changes; the Vortek will be at a distinct advantage just because of the amount of damage done per shot.

    I agree with Rak's points, but the biggest one is the fact that you don't always have high time on target in a dogfight. Often times you have a very short window to unload your rounds, and every shot matters. In the Reaver's case, they will have much higher damage per shot and thus will have a clear advantage. Sure mossies can unload for a longer period of time, but it is not often that you have such a large window of time to accurately hit your opponent; it's almost always a brief window in the dogfights that matter.
  16. ThePropain

    I'm hoping the Vanu new sounds will be more "rugged and hard" to make it sound like the weapon actually is going to hurt and kill someone, especially the shotguns.
    If you've played any Halo games, you know what I mean, that's what I'm hoping they would sound like. Right now it sort of feels like I'm toting a Super Nerf dart gun on steroids or something.
    • Up x 1
  17. Marsodian

    Thanks Maggie! It's nice to have an update on this :)
  18. Eclipson

    The Vanu pump shotty is a great example of that imo. That intense *POP!* sound always lets me know that death is around the corner.
  19. yama

    I can only hope these numbers are far from final... http://imgur.com/a/wdFtq
    Only SOE can come up with something like that and think its ok.
    • Up x 2
  20. Rak

    Wow....those graphs show just how terrible those new numbers are.
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