I think this would be great for helping the Infiltrator live up to its name. [Lv1: 200 certs, pad lasts 60 seconds.] [Lv2: 300 certs, pad lasts 120 seconds and has +33% HP.] [Lv3: 400 certs, pad lasts 180 seconds and has +66% HP.] [Lv4: 500 certs, pad lasts 300 seconds and has +100% HP.] When you acquire certification level 1, you gain the option of buying Teleport Pads at the loadout screen using Infantry resources. They may be stockpiled in the loadout screen and they cost 140 Infantry points per unit (each unit is a pair of teleport pads). Infiltrators who have this in their utility slot will spawn with two (2) pads. They are slightly larger than an anti-personnel mine and may look something like this: Okay, but what do you do with them? You throw them on the ground of course! Begin by setting one down in a valid spot indoors or outside (as long as the area is not eligible for an "out of bounds" warning), then set another one down somewhere else. Link established!* Step on the first one, it teleports you to the second one. Step on the second one, it teleports you to the first one. Pads with an active connection have a visual cue. Travel via teleport pad is unlimited for infantry, regardless of faction, until the timer runs out. Each faction should have their own style so you know whether it belongs to a friendly. *Fine print: Vehicles may not use teleport pads. Highly advanced Nanite Systems deconstruction buffer technology prevents n>1 users from telefragging one another. Each Infiltrator is limited to two (2) active teleport pads at a time. If a third pad is set down, the first pad is deactivated and explodes harmlessly. Because they run on batteries, the maximum distance between a pair of 'connected' teleport pads is 200 meters. Timer begins when teleport link is established. By a quirk of their technology, they crumple under small arms fire but are very resistant to explosive pressures.
You mean like the almost identical class structure, medkit function, ammo resupply, turrets, spies, and so on, forever? Lots of sci-fi features teleporter technology, and I'd rather you offered something more constructive than this. Like your ideas on how this would affect gameplay in Planetside 2.
Well... arnt we the nicest kid on the block... I do like this idea, as it would make the infiltrator actualy usefull for teamplay outside of hacking things (Realy not that usefull). They should also have a similar AMS buffer zone around them (Not even near the size of the sundy buffer zone) to prevent hundreds of them being spammed in one spot.
I just want a Drifter Jetpack and the Adrenaline speed boost for my Infiltrator.... And of the 2 I will settle for the Drifter... or a bolt rifle for my LA