Do you ever get the feeling where it annoys the tractors out of you that such a large portion of this game is based on teamplay? Lately I don't remember a time where I've not been getting that. Your teammates will shoot you, stab you, blow you to pieces, then revive you just to drive you over. And over. And then you need to trust them to gun your vehicle for you? Teamplay pls. I've tried joining an outfit and getting gunners from my outfit, but too often than not when having them in my harrasser I find them halberd'ing at liberators as I circle the enemy sunderer. I then tried joining an outfit that actually has some initial requirements and is supposedly made up of better players. Sadly, only to find out that they indeed do aim better at liberators as I circle the enemy sunderer. I then quit all silly outfits and took the approach of PMing some people I saw doing pretty okay at gunning harrassers. Unfortunately I was more often then not told that they don't gun for randoms. Whoopty doo. Lately I've been just driving my 1/3 harrasser F2-shoot-F1'ing people, and while not doing uberl33tamazing, what feels good is at least I have only myself to blame for my failures. (Except for friendlies who squish me to a tree in their sunderers and MBTs) Funny side story, after clearing a biolab room with flashbangs and C4, I received a tell from a MAX that just happened to disintegrate about how "I'm a noob and lonewolfing should be bannable". Well I'm sorry, I forgot I need to be useless camping the room entrance with half of my faction. But hey, at least we'll be useless as a team! Now I guess this topic has to have a purpose besides ranting, or else SOE_MOD_02 may come for some teamplay. SOE, could you please consider removing the ~2s timer during which you can't swap back seats after you've just switched? At least for me personally it would be one of the best changes since launch. Thank you!!!
I lonewolf all the time and its perfectly viable. Getting some1 to gun your harasser is a terrible experience I just use it to run over enemies. There was this gunner i ran into on Woodman who was pretty skilled, rarely see those ppl tho
part of being a good driver is also talking to your gunner, if he is being an idiot you need to let him know what he is doing wrong. even with just a mic and proxy chat I have had good results from randoms.
Considering percentages of effective multilingualism and the average age of a European PS2 player, I'm better off hoping my Halberd will come to life and 360 noscope that enemy lightning at 7 o'clock I've been yelling about in proxy to my so called gunner last few times I've tried this.
Once a wise man has told me: "Start like a random. End like a random." So those randoms who simply jump inside your vehicle without saying a word are simply very bad players, end of the story. "Oh my god but what about teamwork?". Nah, I'd rather spawn my own tank and help. "What if you don't have resources?!" footwork, figure something out to do as a infantry: support my team, repair turrets, whatever. That'll be way better than randomly jump in someone's vehicle expecting to be effective while you don't even have a way and/or try to communicate with that person. It's just a waste of time. A bad idea. A bad way to engage in "teamwork". Go ahead and blow my tank with C4 because I won't let you randomly jump inside. This game is not yours, neither mine. Which does not mean that either both of us can make a influence towards other people's gameplay randomly because "that guy didn't let me use his stuff." You see, I say all this because I know that feel really well. Think I've been TK'ed by some weirdo once. After s/he killed me by the 5th time, he said some weird stuff in russian/whatever in proximity chat in a 12 year-old'ish accent. Then, my life has changed. There will always be idiots, and you can't change them. Edilaydila~ All right, that'll be 2 bucks. Time to take a nap. Too much sleep. Can't think.
Not enough of this game is teamplay. If I had my way, you wouldn't be able to switch seats in your harasser. In fact, without a gunner, you wouldn't be able to drive it at all.
I was actually thinking what if the Harasser would be like the Flash ATV. While still leaving the option for the gunner open.
I have been toying with the idea of what would happen if you had 2 PCs running PS2. One as a harasser driver, one as a gunner. Steer with the keyboard and use the mouse and screen of the gunner to aim. Instant teamplay. Bur seriously though. Proxy chat with your gunner. Sometimes you find someone really amazing
Running with a good, organized outfit is a completely different game. It's just harder to find of late, since SOE hasn't been catering to the older players who keep them running. Even if severs have been high, outfits are dwindling in activity and dying out, which is sad to see. Organized teamplay, for me at least, makes the game much better. At the same time, sometimes I find it freeing to derp around by myself, but I usually get tired of it quickly.
I've enjoyed the game much more in an outfit vs lone wolfing or inserting into the nearest platoon. Although it does seem more annoyances come from my own faction than from the enemy. I get tells like "nice kill" from the enemy. I get shot in the head in the spawn room and told to "f off" by some kid I've never seen before on my faction just because he "felt like it". And that kid pops up in command chat right afterward. Yes, I want to assist THAT guy. No. I do seem better off soloing my harasser. But one loadout uses the E modified and the gunners bail in horror anyway.
One thing I learned is that if you want to communicate via in-game VOIP you should let the other guy know about it. Mine, for example, is turned off by default. But you're right, decent gunners are hard to come by. I'm very reluctant to pull anything with a gunner seat unless I'm playing with my outfit.
gunning harassers isn't something people are automatically good at, even if they are ace pilots or MLG360noscope420blazeitSWATXXX infantry players. a lot can't fix at full speed. a lot have bad decision making. you just have to find somebody willing to learn, and work on it with him and use VOIP. cause finding somebody who's already ready is a LOT harder than training one to be decent.
Harassers are just like dayz, You cant trust anyone else than your real friend in the voip. About harassers on woodman i remember one night when i was with my friend in tawrich and there were +48vs+48 NC and TR ( tr was defending, NC had the SE WG) we rolled like 500+ killstreak with marauder in 2 hours :-D At that time there were the small hole in the mountain where the NC attacked, they were literally like ants coming out of hive and thats where i got the 500+ killstreak. Organized harasser is OP vs infantry but pub harassers are just silly.
10 Infiltrators gazing through scopes > no recon darts Biggest pet peeve when it comes to team play. This is why I started playing SMG/Scout Rifle Infiltrator. (I dont snipe unless its Lightning AP rounds)