
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Teegeeack, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. KiRRA

    Oh, we're talking about funny TKs now?

    FUNNY: TR was attacking Indar Excavation against the VS. I was in a HEAT Lightning on the West Side quite some distance away trying to take out the fixed turrets. I fire a shot and as its travelling toward the turret a Scythe races by in front of the round coming out unscathed, the Mosquito following him....not so much. That poor pilot didn't have a clue. I sent a /tell to them apologizing and I received one back prompty, acknowledging that it was their fault and they were laughing their *ss off at how horribly hilarious that death was. Since I was quite new to using the HEAT at that time (since I mainly use Skyguard) I was quite proud of hitting an ESF going near top speed with a round, too bad it was a friendly.

    FREAKY: After using a fixed AV turret at Arroyo, and showing NC a thing or two about getting too close to our WG, I decided it was time to get back into a Lightning. Pulled a Lightning and traded a few rounds with NC before we got pushed back closer to the WG. On the way back I get the dreaded, "Watch Your Fire" text upon my screen. Not even one second later I get another, "Watch Your Fire", followed by a kill notice of a friendly soldier. Curious as to what happened as I was just sitting stationary near a Vehicle Ammo Tower, I looked it up online. I killed the poor sap with a fixed AV Turret, but not by shooting him with b*tch slapping him with it apparently. According to the creative ideas from you fine people on the forums, the only reasoning was that the clueless soldier must have either fallen to their death and landed on the turret I was just in....landed their drop pod on top of it then died promptly....or decided to see if a Mosquito going top speed could just morph right through the tower, using the turret at an entrance point.

    I apologize btw for any friendlies I have ever killed via my horrible piloting skills, or lack thereof ANY piloting skills involving watching out for friendlies. Sorry....if I am ever the cause of your death I try to send you a /tell and in some cases, I will offer my vehicle to you (although not many certs on it) to replace yours if your timer is too long.
  2. Kaon1311

    Play for on average 2hrs a night, most day sundays and thursdays (days off). Average 2 or 3 tks a session.

    Usually TK by accidentally running guys over. Always say sorry, sometimes getting myself killed in the process.

    Typical tk - my driving and people not knowing how to either use their mini-map, not looking both ways when crossing road and repairing a prowler in a hot zone standing BEHIND the tank (to the side please engys ;) )

    Nothing worse then getting tkd and not getting a sorry when it was 100% their fault, idiots ramming your vehicle and instead of stopping to correct the death spin, they keep going destroying either me, them or both. (Guys and girls, when you ram a friendly STOP MOVING YOU IDIOT!!, it will correct itself, sorry had to get that out)
  3. CaptainYamerica

    I typically play for 1-2 hours when I do get to play.

    I might get 2-3 TK's in that time span.

    90% of the time it is accidental.

    And I typically apologize, or at least revive the person.
  4. Sovereign533

    I don't tk often because I don't shoot much. I'm mainly a medic, so I'm usually cowering behind my squad mates and trusting them to protect me while I'm keeping them alive.
    When I tk it's usually accidental, either I missed with my noobtube. Or a friendly comes running around a corner where I expected an enemy or a failed grenade throw or I'm shooting and someone places his/her head in between the operational end of my gun and my target.
    When this happens I always apologize through a '/tell'.

    I sometimes do intentional teamkilling, but that is ONLY when I'm suppressing the enemy with an engineers AI turret. Just don't stand in my line of fire. I can't move, you can. I will also tk when I'm in a MAX suit and a hostile comes up in front of me. I have 2 massive shotguns, and that hostile in front of me WILL die. If you're collateral damage I won't feel sorry. (If I die in these instances as in I get in the way I will apologize to the one who tk'd me, I died because of my own mistake after all)

    Getting team killed is different. Since I'm mainly a medic, it means I'm more important then the other infantry (yes, when I'm a medic I'm an arrogant bastard). So when someone teamkills me when it was not my own fault I might be a bit pissy. If the person sends me a tell or a 'v' command saying sorry, I ALWAYS forgive the tk. But I will never take revenge, since this would reflect badly on my outfit.
  5. SharpeShooter

    I can play for about 1-2 hours each gaming session, if I do TK anyone it is normally down to me accidentally driving them over I always press "V 8" if this happens, I shoot someone by accident I would normally /tell them a sorry, but sometimes the battle is too hectic and they will have to make do with a "V 8" again. I never TK people on purpose unless they are trying to purposely TK me, which happens alarmingly often with one particular TR outfit on Miller.

    As I play very aggressively myself and thus could get TKed a good few times, most of which are not on purpose and its fine. Its always nice to get a /tell apologizing though. maybe 20-30% of my deaths are TR.
  6. Kaon1311

    This is when you tk him until he learns the value of an apology.

    An idiot spawned a sundy, and immediately reversed back into the vehicle bay, crushing my harasser in the process as i couldnt move and he obviously didnt care. No apology meant he no longer had that sundy 2 minutes later ;)
  7. TheScavenger101

    I rarely drive vehicles and I play as Infiltrator a lot so I generally don't TK much, when it happens it's accidental and I do apologize.
    Well most of the time anyway, some accidental TK's aren't worthy of an apology :p.
    Might make a bad person, but let me give you an example of something that happened to me yesterday.

    So I'm playing Infiltrator with SMG. I'm running inside a building, turn a corner to go up some stairs, I'm surprised by this guy on my team rushing down the stairs on the right side while being shot in the back by an NC on the left side. So I start unloading my mag on the NC while my teammate decides to change side and strafes right into my already firing weapon. So I end up unloading my last bullets in him, which obviously kills him (being shot by two guys) and leaves me without rounds and a still living NC HA with rounds left in his gun. Needless to say two TR soldiers died on the battlefield that day...
  8. Lazaruz

    Since about 5% of my deaths are caused by team killing, I really try to keep my number lower than that. Judging by my last 100 kills, I've managed to do that... 0 TK's out of 100 kills.

    If I do team kill, it's either by accident in which case I always try to send a /t apology, or self defense against a team killer.
  9. SinerAthin

    I used to teamkill a LOT of people. But after I quit driving Magriders(mostly), the amount of teamkills have dropped significantly.

    In my last 100 kills, only 1 has been a teamkill.

    Although my last 10 deaths, 6 of them have probably been teamkills :/
  10. Spoprockel

    I play around 2-6 hours, mostly at weekends.

    I would guess that i get less than one accidental teamkill every hour that's my fault.

    That includes grenades, shotgun spread, startled by camo, those things.
    After a TK i always apologise via V 8 and try to be more careful.

    Then there's a totally random number of TKs that are out of my control.
    Exiting a turret and have it squish an ally 3 minutes later, people running into my Bolt Action barrel, people flying into my reaver, people spawning from my sunderer somehow getting instagibbed (the 10 guys before him had no problem :confused: ).
  11. KnightCole

    I sometimes get 1-2 TKs every other session. I try not to, but if I do, I will try to grab medic and rez em and certainly, V-8, not hard to hit. Ran a poor Infils flash over the other day...killed him and his quad..stopped, deploy the sundy, grab medic, done lol.

    Usually my TKs are people who run in my LoF, WHILE im firing or a grenade that bounces stupidly off a wall or something. Sometime its a vehicle road kill, I drive in 3rd person usually.
  12. Pirbi

    If I think it's their fault, I don't worry about hitting V8. Sometimes I still V8 if they are low BR and don't know any better. It helps to run with an outfit. You don't get obnoxious replies if there is an accidental TK.
  13. TomoB

    I think that's useless most of the time because they can't hear or see that v+8 "sorry" when they are admiring their "killer screen. Besides you need to be pretty close to them before their chat/ear catches those voiceovers.
  14. BeanSidhe

    Most of my teamkills are with my Magrider. I normally play for 1-3 hours a session and get maybe 1. (I've tried real hard to be more careful around my Engie buddies and watch the minimap).

    On a side note, last night I ran into a rather blatant and homicidal teamkiller. BR 1, all 35 kills listed were via explosives on friendly VS while we were trapped in a spawn room. I'm rather...upset about it. I can't remember, is there any way to report such blatant griefing? Normally NC are much more noble adversaries.