Team-Mates and the Chaingun...

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by RainbowDash9, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. RainbowDash9

    How do i deal with them? they seem intent with running front of my bullet hose and if i stop to avoid killing them i get penalized with the spin up time. how do i avoid these challenged folks?

    Yes i realize trying to be infront works but they dont stay behind ever lol
  2. Lena_993

    You have at least 100 rounds. More than enough to not run out of ammo even when someone decides to suicide by chaingun.
  3. RainbowDash9

    i dont wanna durka durka them though lol
  4. Khallixtus

    If they actually run in front of a chaingun blaring at full speed, don't be too unhappy if you TK them. They had it coming. But do try to be at the front. This is the job of the MCG. However, don't overdo the infront thing, otherwise you'll just end up suiciding.
    If possible, try to strafe to the side so you only clip your ally, not obliterate him. But don't be too upset if they kill themselves.
  5. thebigbortishbort

    Yeeeaaaah you can either just straight up let em die or waste your firing speed with more spin up.

    this issue was much worse with the old MCG ( which i dearly miss ) in which it would only fire when fully spun up , thus you would have to let them die or risk you dieing.

    with the introduction of the brrt this problem isn't as bad so its all up to your judgement , as the person above said don't be too upset if ye kill a foolish comrade.
  6. bOzhenka

    tmg one love dude
  7. Eternaloptimist

    Maybe fire from flanking positions to avoid where you team mates are coming from. Enfilading fire (if you can get into position) is a way of reducing friendly fire incidents as well as being bad for your enemies wellbeing
  8. Pinkpuff

    Yeah pretty much this. The true strength of the MCG is flanking around and obliterating groups/rooms from less expected angles. With the brrt attachment you can pretty easily take out 3-5 people in a typical point room before they really figure out what the hell is happening. And it might sound like a lot but the best way to use it is to run with a friendly LA that uses Flash grenades. Let him scout the path, you nuke what he spots, he then flashes the target area, you then nuke the target area, and he drops in behind you to clean up if necessary.

    Basically the bottom line is you don't really want to be anywhere near the type of players that consistently run into streams of friendly fire. Let them be the derpy decoys.
  9. Klondor

    Kill Them
    I have played this game since just after alpha and no matter how many guides, PSA's, tips and tricks people read or put out, nothing will stop the "i gotta be first" mentality of about 70% of the player base. I always manage to damage or kill team mates even if i'm being cautious with both my positioning and my angles of attack/Line of fire, but someone will always muck it up for you.

    So i've adopted the "punishment by firing squad" mentality for people who enter my LOS while i'm shooting. Though i should be clear; I only do this if i am actively engaging an enemy or multiple enemies. If there is an immediate threat of the enemy attacking me and you step in front of me, while i'm blasting on full automatic, then congratulations soldier, you've just earned yourself 800 rounds per minute in your backside and i will aim for you and gun you down until you're out of the equation. As much as i would like to be the nice guy player who gives you the chance to be a hero and possibly kill the guy in front of you, you are also being an ******* by interrupting my engagement and forcing me into a disadvantage by blocking my engagement line, and when you do eventually die from the enemy's gunfire, your falling corpse will block a significant amount of my magazine, allowing the enemy's more accurate weapons to overcome me, while i struggle to hit them with the already god-awful RNG of the MCG's CoF.

    That being said, i do attempt to refrain from team damage when chain gunning if it means i will live through it. But so help me, by the ghost of Thomas Connery, i will not hesitate to shoot you the f-ck down if you interrupt a potential single magazine multi-kill.
    • Up x 2
  10. Meserion

    I wish there was a way for daybreak to track the fools who run INTO the allied fire, but no we get TK warnings we can't mute because our allies run in front of us rather than behind... #TunnelVisionPubbies

    I'm sorry that you died to my rocket but I was shooting at that Liberator over there! Pay attention next time!