Team killing Sundies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZeroVeroes, Mar 4, 2021.

  1. NotsiMadz

    Careful feiting shadow, I used to do that a lot, until one day, I TKed all the sundies on Ti Alloys, which is where 99% of the VS population was fighting.

    That was because I can't remember which faction was warpgating us, they'd already taken one of the 3 wargpate bases, had they taken even one additional one, Ti Alloys would have been cut off anyway.

    So I went round and TKed all the sundies there, and they brought more from the Crown, and I TKed them as well.

    Guess what? It worked, the fight in Ti Alloys died, all the VS spawned at the warpgate and saved it. Then, maybe 10 minutes later, they all went back to Ti Alloys again, so in a sense, I saved the Ti Alloys fight for them by TKing their sundies lol.

    Anyway, I must have got reported by a ton of people cause I got suspended for that one, I wouldn't recommend you do it too much :p
  2. FLHuk

    Telling people they're playing the wrong way and effectively deleting Ti Alloys, you'll make a fine dev sir :)
    • Up x 1
  3. NotsiMadz

    you know something? that's exactly what they did

    hahahahahahahahah :)

    anyway, I SAVED the Ti Alloys fight, it's just that in order to do so, I needed to interrupt it.

    Had I not done that, they would have been cut off, the fight would have died anyway, but not just that, they would have lost a ton of other bases to, making it impossible to reach Ti Alloys.
  4. Johannes Kaiser

    Nonono, you assume the people at TI would care about that. Do not overestimate their capacity (or at the very least appetite) for strategy. :)
    But good someone else kept eyes on it.
  5. Blue_Lion

    I find the biggest threat to sundies is C4. Vehicles can be counted by friendly vehicles but it is hard to stop a light assault C4 from blowing up a sunndy. C-4 seams to kill it faster than a MBT.
  6. Blue_Lion

    I disagree that anything is a legit reason to TK a sundy.

    If you have a problem with where it is try to contact the owner and get them to move it or if it is in a really bad position wait a little while and the other faction will blow it up for you.
    Perhaps the reason they left in in a bad position is they did not know a better position.

    But TKing sundy so that you can deploy yours is just being a jerk. Because you are destroying something they bought with a resource so you can get certs with yours.
  7. NotsiMadz

    Plz don't stalk me, I get that I made you look bad in the other thread, but no one likes stalkers. Not even you likes stalkers.
  8. Thalestr

    Disable friendly fire when a sunderer is deployed.

    Easy fix.
  9. NotsiMadz

    A sundy is deployed in basically ... every fight?
  10. Blue_Lion

    stalk you I am not even sure what you are talking about.