Tanks Need More Health, and Less Damage Output

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. AFK1

    The function of tanks in this game is very counter intuitive, in any large scale battle, a tank is just as fragile as a lone infantry, but it does much more damage and in an area of effect. This leads to tank drivers being forced to sit at the back of the formation, spamming their no aim AOE at everything. Tanks should be the highly durable, into the breach unit, which can take a ridiculous amount of punishment, but unfortunately they're made of paper in this game, and despite having names like "Vanguard", they're a backseat support unit. In addition to having some more health, they should also have some type of damage blocking mechanic, which begins to resist incoming damage after taking several instances of damage in quick succession, so that you can't just have 10 heavy assault all shoot their rockets at once, to destroy a tank; this way, the tank will survive long enough to act as a shield for the rest of the army. Of course with their current damage output, buffing tanks' durability would make them horrible overpowered, so their damage should be lowered dramatically, to compensate. It's unreasonable that a tank driver should be able to one shot a player, anyway, so their damage per shot should be lowered to around 20% of it's current output. Tanks will still be useful for laying down area of effect suppressing fire, but will no longer be an easy mode farming tool to one shot everything with splash damage, from 500 yards away

    TL;DR: Make tanks do less damage, but give them more health/resistance to damage, so that they can actually be used as a moving shield on the frontline, rather than sitting behind a hill somewhere spamming rockets at a battle. Currently they are too fragile to be useful as a shield unit
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  2. FateJH

    As all indication is you take offense at being abused by either HEAT or HE, can this change have no impact on my AP/AP loadout?

    Have I been trolled?
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  3. lNeBl


    Replace tank with MAX and this thread might make more sense.
  4. Sigmundr Rumare

    Keyword might, I still find it absurd that a MAX can take an AP round to the face and keep trunking, I could understand surviving HE or Heat, but not AP.
  5. AFK1

    Only untalented players would want a crutch such as 1 shot tanks
  6. FateJH

    I mean no offense to you Infiltrators out there.
  7. Dethfield

    What you believe a tank should be, and what it actually is are different things.
  8. Sigmundr Rumare

    Deth, I never knew you played Forumside 2.