Tankmines no deploy areas?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by fdykn, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. fdykn

    Seriously? The last use for Mines nerved? They got bigger, they no longer trigger each other, they are bugged and now i have blown myself up numerous times because i want to lay them down in front of a vehicle pad?

    Same with C4 and Claymores. Where were the Patchnotes for that nonsense? Just another equipment nerv for the random rocket guy "i don`T want to think more then a should" type of casual player who gets frustated just by dying.

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  2. Akeita

    I can't believed that I walked 500m to the enemy sundy's place as an engi, hiding tanks, planting 3 tanks mines down and have to shoot all 3 of them to trigger them...
  3. z1967

    I want working mines more than mines that don't detonate in no-deploy zones. It really sucks when they just drive over them. Or only one detonates and the other just sits there like an moron.
  4. Latrodectuss

    This another case of the developers using a round-about, obtuse way to fix something and breaking it instead. If they would have just made it so deployed sunderers had increased tank mine resistance we wouldn't have needed six arbitrary changes instead.
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  5. SirBurning

    fix this ****, mines detonate each others. Its ridiculous they don't.
  6. Rift23

    Lay them down in front of the ramp. You can't steer around/dismount until you've driven forward off the ramp a small ways as I learned to my dismay when trying to sneak a flash out in a battle yesterday.