Tank shells vs ESF

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. day ofm one

    I kinda get annoyed that my Lightning HEAT shells and not even Prowler AP kill ESFs on full health.

    Would you mind if SOE lowered the ESF shell restistance?

    Because it is god damn annoying to get a nice shot on an ESF and it just gets away.

    When you make a shot on a low flying ESF you should get the kill, his own fault if he is that low.
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  2. Kidou

    Lightning AP shells one shot most ESF. And I suppose a second shot is worth not being able to one shot aircraft, right?

    Vanguards can all one shot ESF I think. Maggies can put an ESF in burning with an AP shell.
  3. day ofm one

    Bad I don't run AP Lightning yet.

    Also the second shot sentence lacks.

    A lot.

    Because a second shot does not mean a second hit, 2 shots in an ESF happens 1/50.

    If you watch prowlers, noone just hulds down M1.

    One shot, take new aim, second shot.

    Spamming on moving targets isn just wasting ammo mostly.
  4. Dethonlegs

    Magriders one shot ESF's with AP. Proof:

    A shame the turret elevation is not better :(
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  5. Thurwell

    Lightning AP shells put ESFs deep into burning, sort of like non-decimator dumbfires. It's usually a kill but if the ESF had full health and fire suppression it can live.
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  6. FBVanu

    There are a bunch of videos out where MBTs take out ESFs etc..
    like this one with a Prowler:

    What none of them show is how many shots they miss before they get one of those hits.. it's not easy.. (I suck at it.. )

    When you say it is the pilots fault for getting hit when flying low, then it also your fault for not using the most damage inflicting round.. AP.... just because they get hit when flying low does not mean that they should die instantly.

    A lightning AP round on an ESF is almost always a kill, because the ESF is deep in the red, pilot panics and tries some weird quick landing, which usually ends up giving me the kill.. they don't really land, they crash...

    But with a lightning HEAT round.. kills only if the ESF was already damaged.. try not to be the first to shoot at it..
    Remember, with a tank you don't need to get the first shot on a target, you need to get the last shot that kills it..
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  7. day ofm one

    I knowhow hard hitting ESFs is, I am gathering footage for a vid.

    Even though I mostly go AP, I barely get any kills.

    Fire suppression, one hit means nothing...
  8. Kidou

    You should pair it with a Walker like that video. What are you doing trying to hunt Aircraft in a prowler anyway? Go kill those other tanks with your superior DPS!
  9. day ofm one

    If I can kill an ESF I do.

    It is not that easy to kill other tanks, I guess you never used a Prowler?
  10. z1967

    tbh, Python AP needs to kill ESFs in one hit. Its got the same velocity of a magrider AP shell but doesn't OHK on a successful shot. The damage change to make it OHK (without changing resistances or effectiveness against other vehicles) would only be by about 50 or so damage.
  11. Kidou

    I've used all three. In my experience the Prowler is the best off of the three in raw damage. The Vanguard is stupidly tough with the shield up. And the Magrider, even though it has a worse primary weapon, can attack at odd angles and make sure that your front is always facing the enemy tank in a slug fest.

    Frankly they're all good and have their niches.
  12. Flag

    I don't agree.
    The Lighting has by FAR the best gun elevation, giving the most chances for valid shots to be taken.
    Having that and the ability to 1-shot would be too good.
    Besides, if they're slightly damaged or don't use Fire Suppression (some crazy people run flares), the Python AP gets plenty of kills.
  13. Alarox

    OHK: Vanguard HEAT, Vanguard AP, Magrider FPC
    Burning: Lightning AP, Magrider HEAT
    2HK: Lightning HEAT, Lightning HE, Vanguard HE, Magrider HE, Prowler AP, Prowler HEAT
    3HK: Prowler HE

    Also, shooting down ESFs is probably my favorite thing in the game right now. (Fly Swatter)
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  14. Mythologicus

    Lightning AP does NOT one-shot ESFs. It puts them dangerously into the red, but if they know what they're doing they'll have Fire Suppression ready and waiting to completely nullify that glorious shot you just landed.

    The only real solution is to get out and start spraying them with your carbine.
  15. Alarox


    1600 * 1.69 = 2704 damage. ESFs have 3000 health so they'll have 296 left.
  16. Hoki

    I'm not the only tanker that secondaries with walker? :eek:

    ESFs see me rollin, they lick their chomps, little do they know they've already lost.
  17. Saber15

    I pretty much always run with a Walker if I'm going solo. It's great watching airchavs freak out when I suddenly start blasting them with the machine gun.

    And if a pubbie jumps in, I get free ESF kill assists from them plinking at random airchavs.
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  18. WTSherman

    What's really amusing is I've taken down three Liberators with the Viper... it's like they just don't think (or bother to check their health) before hovering an inch away from my tank. :D
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  19. Champagon

    since we are posting videos

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  20. day ofm one

    Thanks that you don't put stuff I didn't say into quotation marks with my name.

    Also I never said buff AP.

    You say Prowler is easy, I say nope, it isn't, 136 hours teached me so.
    Your long range advantage doesn't help you on either of all 4 continents that often, because you have to drive or because you are in open field without cover.

    You want to tell me what I do wrong and still don't seem to have any idea of playing in a TR MBT for me.

    Also reporting your post for putting in false information in quotation marks.