Tank mines and mine guard question

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by SkyEstaLimit, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. SkyEstaLimit

    Hi, questions :

    1. How many mines it takes to blow a tank or a sunderer ?
    2. If the tank has mineguard, if you drop the tank mines on top of it, or slap them on the sides or whatnot, does the mineguard still helps agaisnt the mines or its really only for the ones that blows under the tank ?

  2. Armchair

    1: With no mineguard, 2 mines will reliably kill tanks and sunderers.
    2: Mineguard reduces mine damage no matter where the mines are.....I'm not sure what level of mineguard you need for a tank/sunderer to survive a double or triple mine. I recall people saying that a max level mineguard sundie needs 7 mines to die.
  3. AdennTM

    I have max mineguard on my sundy. I'll test it tomarrow.
  4. SkyEstaLimit

    Thanks for the info guys.

    lol 7 mines sundy, what a fatso
  5. Grammer

    Yup, 7 mines to "one shot" a full health sunderer with rank 4 mineguard equipped.

  6. Armchair


    According to the information here, which appears to be accurate, the level 1 mineguard is enough to protect sunderers and MBT's from double AT mine.