T7-Minichaingun Review - TR's Whirling Maelstrom of Tears

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Wrel, May 6, 2014.

  1. Wrel Developer

    Seeing a lot of minigun posts these days.
    How do you feel the weapon is performing for you now?
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  2. Corvus Corax

    No real reason I shouldn't just pull the T9 instead, but I go MCG if I want to dick around. At least it's better in it's niche mid-range fighting that it was before with BRRT.
  3. KnightCole

    I have played with it a bit, still dont like the wind up time. I take a good amount of damage more then I do with the T9. MCG accuracy, while its better then it was, its still pretty horrific.
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  4. dreamcast87

    I personally like the changes SOE made to the weapon. I recently got the Auraxium medal with it mostly due to the BRRT and the fixed cone of fire, I found myself winning more one on one engagements with it. My only real gripe would be the reserve ammo pool I'd like a bit more cause i can easily tear through it during heavy fights.
  5. Takoita

    While MCG got much better when compared to how it was, it is still not very good in most situations. BRRT... the less said about that said excuse of attachement, the better.
  6. Anndgrim

    Did you even try it?
  7. Pie Chasm

    The godawful accuracy and lack of laser almost negates it, outside of 10 m.... shotgun range, not that a high RoF carbine/SMG/AR won't flinchlock you either.

    There's still no reason to use it, with the new attachment over a shotgun/SMG/MSW-R.

    Kind of sad how it took somebody that long to come up with that "solution".
  8. Anndgrim

    I can think of two. Magazine capacity and RPM.

    Sure you have to adapt your way of playing bit but properly used you can make a proper carnage and the weapon is as good as they get against MAXes.
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  9. LibertyRevolution

    I actually liked the MCG how it was before with the pinpoint dot COF and burst firing for longer range combat..

    It really feels to me like it has no place.. It loses CQC fights to shotguns and SMG, and loses medium range to any LMG.

    I think the only time I would pull a MCG would be in a tower fight with adrenaline shield and hallway packed with enemy.
    But I would still die in about 6 secs once the mag was empty and have to reload for 5 secs...
    So I would still be better off with the old version with an extended mag.. least then I would last 14secs before dying.

    I have no problem wrecking TR heavies using a MCG with a stock Orion, no matter the range.
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  10. Iridar51

    Oh god, not this again. To reuse a couple of my old posts: (I'm sorry for the tone, it was a heated discussion)

    Let's look at the numbers.

    MCG vs CARV

    Damage model:
    MCG: 143 @ 10m - 112 @ 60m.
    CARV: 143 @ 10m - 125 @ 65m.
    Right off the bat we see that MCG's bullets are weaker.

    Recoil vertical:
    MCG: 0.2
    CARV: 0.4
    As far as accuracy goes, vertical recoil is the most ignorable stat, because it remains constant on weapons with 0/0 recoil angle, like CARV and MCG.
    Here MCG has the advantage of lower vertical recoil. That said, MCG has very unstable recoil due to not constant fire rate during those first few shots. But let's assume a skilled user can adjust to that.

    Recoil horizontal:
    MCG: 0.225/0.3
    CARV: 0.225/0.225
    MCG has higher unpredictable recoil, and more that than - it is not even, so weapon will have a higher chance of *veering off* far to the left or right.

    First shot recoil multiplier:
    MCG: 3x
    CARV: 2x
    Again, MCG has worse FSRM, coupled with gradually increasing vertical recoil during first few shots, this makes infamous *sniping* with MCG harder.
    Someone could argue that due to vertical recoil numbers, CARV's first shot actually hits harder than MCG;s, and he would be right from a certain point of view. However, what matters in vertical recoil is its consistency, not its absolute strength.

    Headshot damage multiplier:
    MCG: 1.5x
    CARV: 2x
    Whoa, betcha you didn't expect that, did you?
    Not only MCG is less stable during first shots than even a CARV, even its headshots are weaker, not to mention its lower minimum damage. Apparently, MCG shoots chewed paper balls at range.

    ADS cones of fire:
    In that order: Crouch, Crouch Move, Stand, Stand Move
    MCG: 0.1 0.45 0.1 0.3
    CARV: 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.2
    MCG has wider ADS cones of fire, which makes it less accurate when ADSed than CARV.

    Thus, using the stats, I've decisively proven that MCG is inherently less accurate than CARV, which never really scored any points as super accurate LMG.

    If that isn't even for you, here's some pictures:
    Iridar51 said:
    “"MCG is super accurate for the first X rounds" is a myth and nothing more.
    These two pictures are bursts of 10-20 rounds by CARV and MCG. You win if you manage to point out which of these pictures features your "OP laser beam weapon".
    Using it for "mid range laser sniping" is a bad idea. You might as well snipe with the Inquisitor, hysterically screaming "but it has noooo recooiiill!!11".
    MCG has by far the worst horizontal recoil and first shot recoil multiplier, and low fire rate during spin up time. MCG's damage drops two tiers, when all other LMGs drop down only one. Any other LMG will be both more accurate and damaging at any range past 10 meters.

    MCG's only advantages are high DPS after the spin up and low hip fire bloom per shot. It's a hip fire weapon for close quarters, in situations where you can spin it up before actually acquiring a target.
    Before the latest patch, MCG was one of the weakest weapons in the game, beat in most fields by default CARV, and the only thing MCG did better than CARV is hip fire and DPS after the spin up time, which is a very situational advantage to have.

    As for the current version of the MCG, it has two things going for it: accurate hip fire, compared to LMGs, and fixed CoF in ADS. The latter has some unobvious uses, like starting to fire in mid air, then landing and aiming down sights to regain accuracy.

    The weak side of the MCG is headshots, I think it still has 1.5x headshot multiplier, and even if it doesn't, lack of accuracy prohibits going for headshots, so even if the enemy is wielding something crappy like NS-11C, they have a chance of outDPSing the MCG user by going for headshots.
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  11. LibertyRevolution

    Screw your paper numbers.. I have an auraxium with the thing.. The old versions pinpoint COF was in fact pinpoint.
    I could kill people on the gen room walkway of heyoka from heyoka outpost with the old MCG..
    You CANNOT do that with the new one.
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  12. Iridar51

    Does the auraxium medal allow you to bend laws of code and force the gun to work the way you feel it works?
    MCG's pinpoint CoF is 0.1, same as CARV's. If the game had visual representation of CoF for other weapons, not only the MCG, then you would see the same pinpoint CoF for pretty much any other gun.

    No, but you can do that with CARV.
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  13. Takoita

    Yes. Exmag is still mandatory. (And that even whithout going into the whole 'why we have to pay for and equip an attachement for our HA ES special to hold up; if NC or VS had to do the same the forums and mailboxes would have exploded' argument.)

    For everything else I grab my default CARV and do it better.
  14. Pie Chasm

    What good is having RPM when you don't have it on demand?

    Not to mention that the 1.5x headshot multiplier means in any situation where you aren't facing terrible people you are at a disadvantage.

    In fact, even at maximum RPM due to the headshot mulltiplier you have less DPS than any other LMG if you can aim.

    A good MAX weapon? What good is a weapon vs. MAX that has a spinup and doesn't reach a shotgun in DPS past a few seconds?

    Even a MAX with bursters will kill you before then.

    What happens vs. any kind of competent player is: You get flinchlocked by their headshots and superior short interval DPS.

    What happens as any kind of player who has a modicum of aim: You lose DPS and CQC viability, because now your headshots aren't worth it.
  15. KnightCole

    Over all I still dont care much for the MCG. I have it but see very very few times I would dare pull it out over my CARV.

    The biggest reason being the absolutely horrific Accuracy the MCG has..
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  16. Casterbridge

    Meh still enjoying the MCG with the BRRT. Course I don't pull it for every fight either, basically on my TR alt I switch between my Carv and my MCG.

    Sorry some of you guys don't like the changes or the new attachment though.
  17. Takoita

    I'm sorry if I am repeating myself, but BRRT is like having the VS players to pay for an attachement that would allow for the Lasher shots to do splash damage and force them to choose between it, laser sight and ex mags; and that's on top of you still losing to shotguns and SMG even with that tradeoff.

    Why the hell things like ZOE or splatmaxes' guns got six months of roflstomp but all of TR stuff gets 'balanced' with in-built tradeoffs from the get go? It really, really looks like out of the guys in charge of stat changes only the red one plays by the rules from where I'm standing.
  18. Casterbridge

    The BRRT with the extended mags, to me seems like it would be a bit OP. That being said I wouldn't argue if they gave the gun a default extra of 50 bullets in the clip, but a full 100 maybe crossing the line. I've never bothered with the laser sight so no real opinion on it.
    If you are constantly losing to SMG and Shotguns, I'm not sure what to tell you, I certainly do lose to them with the MCG, but nowhere near enough to be upset about it, not to mention I can clear out a room much faster with the MCG, and having several MCG users pushing in is going to wipe a room clear pretty quickly.

    As for your final point, I'm sorry TR don't get to keep OP things as long as other factions (cough::striker::cough)....I guess?
  19. BobSanders123

    I just want to have BRRT AND extended mags at the same time. For ultimate DAKAKAKAKAKAKKAKAKAKABRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  20. Takoita

    To paraphrase what other poster has said: just because a bunch of experienced players can form a squad and run around with Beamers does not mean Beamer is suddenly an awesome weapon. Similarly, just because you happen to be satisfied with MCG's perfomance, doesn't mean that it is 'ok' that some common pool SMG junk can outperform a ES HA special at room clearing. (And I am not talking about point-blank-shotgun-country room clearing either, some of those things have no trouble headshotting people at ~20m - the MCG's bread and butter.)

    MCG is certainly better than it ever was, yes, but the main problem - enemies killing you faster than you do them if you didn't get a drop on them - still remains. (Lasher is guilty of this too, but there are actually other things than the usual DPS race that can be done with the thing.)

    As for the Striker... Yes, I am obviously biased here, but I am of firm opinion that there was not a shred of OP in the thing ever. It was effective at its job being an Anni+ and the forumside did the rest. Apparently flyboys didn't like that if the enemy got together ~12 people or more in on place on AA duty their sky chariots got actually shot down. (Notice how every single AA lock-on got the nerfhammer, not just Striker?)
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