Slightly better damage output, velocity... and non-angled recoil. The NS-15M's 0.75 ADS movement and the faction neutral sound are pretty enticing though
I'm talking about the total ammo pool. So far I'm getting my best K/D ratio with the bull, though it needs more "testing"
Better DPS, better ammo capacity (slightly), better velocity, better horizontal tolerance. You basically trade the 75% ADS for even more control, and the short reload is pretty competitive with the NS-15M's ludicrously fast reload. Is that worth it to you? I think so, but it's hard to say what works best for someone.
I wouldn't say that... the NS-75m's recoil is directional, making it easy to control when mastered. The Bull's recoil is a bit harder to tame because you never know if it swings left or right.
That's not how directional recoil works, and the NS-15M still has random left-right recoil; directional pull (and angle variation, which is bad and which the NS-15M has) is a function of vertical recoil, it has nothing to do with horizontal recoil. Also, because the Bull has better horizontal tolerance than the NS-15M, it has less left-right drift... and in fact, has much less left-right drift than almost every other LMG and than many other weapons in the game. There was however a bug for the longest time that prevented the NS-15M from recoiling properly which was fixed. It's still incredibly accurate now, but the pull is actually noticeable.
I have 16.3% HSR with the T9 Carv, 17.7% with the T32 bull, that 1.4% better headshot ratio doesn't even come close to making up for the 100 lower RoF. And you're very wrong about theoretical TTKs being unimportant to a good player, if anything its more important, a good player is going to land more shots and more headshots then a bad one, thus achieving close to the theoretical TTK
Fair enough i guess i'm just looking for more variety in tr lmgs. My reaction was based on auraxiuming the rhino then moving to the bull and going "wtf same gun" (i know it has a lower horizontal recoil tolerance but it still feels very very similar). I would like to see a lmg with the 125 damage model. I think it would be cool as all get out and feel kinda like a M249 small caliber very high rate of fire. NC could get another 200 damage lmg which seems to be their thing, smaller mag faster reload decent hipfire (asfar as lmgs go). VS idk something with like 75 rounds and quick reload since quick reloads seems the be a common trait.
The matter that you gonna hit more or less is based on recoil and Velocity. Thus yet again theoretical TTK is ********. Most people dont even care about the stats except for magazine size and reload speed. and btw 17.7 and 16.3 HSR is ****. For the bull i would consider 40%+ good and on the t9carv its around or over 30%
The T32 Bull is good as it is, and I love it and using almost all the time. The gun is stable, has a fast reload (for a lmg), works good in almost every situation from long to close even if it doesnt really excel in any (which is what the ingame-text says although in other words but its spot on), and thats its real strenght. You wont come into a situation with the wrong typ of gun. So no, go tinker with some other gun. This one is fine