T1S Cycler compared to T1 Cycler?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Dualice, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Dualice

    I'm curious about the T1S of late. Sure the reload speed and fire rate is worse than the stock T1, but the slightly lowered RoF and access to diverse attachments, including both ammo types, seems like a pretty good investment. I had a play around with both in VR and the T1S does just feel a little more controllable when firing further down-range. Of course this doesn't measure up to moving targets, nanoweave etc., but as a base experiment the point still stands.

    I've been comparing the recoil stats on the Wiki and they are more or less identical, save the vertical recoil and first shot recoil multiplier. The T1S has higher vertical, 0.3 over the stock T1's 0.27, but the FSRM is 1.75x, compared to the stock T1's 2.5. Would I be correcting in saying from this, that the T1S will reward burst firing [even] more? It's general vertical kick will be higher, but with a lower FSRM the weapon will kick less to begin with on that first shot?

    Any general thoughts/opinions on the T1S as a general purpose AR?
  2. Iridar51

    With Forward Grip, it could work as an accurate medium range weapon, sort of like Pulsar. But this way it wouldn't be doing anything that standard T1 couldn't.

    If you're gonna use it with underbarrel attachments, horizontal recoil will limit your effective range noticeably.
  3. Dualice

    Hmm, okay, thanks for your input!
  4. bradpunkt

    i think the t1 cycler is the overall better weapon,cause of it's accuracy,rof ,recoil ect.
    but the atachments of the t1s compensates a lot and makes it more versatile.compensator and fg makes it a good weapon for medium range.
    i can't say a lot because i just started to auraxium it but it's a fun weapon to use,still feels a bit like the "little brother " of the t1 cycler tho.
  5. Dualice

    Indeed! Hadn't considered the compensator, will give it a shot. Are you currently running it with that and the grip? Are you using either of the specialist ammo types?

    It feels quite separate from the T1 for me due to the sound profile. More SABR-like to my ear.
  6. Dumpsterprophet

    dont know about anyone else but next to the ns11 the t1s cycler is a great gun. Good damage, good rof and easy to control recoil.
  7. Dualice

    I've been running it with 2x "T" sight, forward grip, compensator and SPA. Vertical jump is a still bit more than I'd like, but the reduced RoF along with extended damage range makes for a nice & steady iteration of the T1.
  8. Takoita

    From my personal experience with both of them, the slower ROF makes landing shots at medium range easier when compared to T1, but that's about the only advantage I've really noticed as far as the gun itself goes. Underbarrel attachements are where it's at, at the cost of not being able to take either laser sight or forward grip and slower ROF - which can and will make you lose close-range engagements you would've won with T1, IMHO.

    It's by no means a bad rifle, but it's less forgiving to the user.
  9. QQlazors

    I use T1S for underbarrel smoke.

    I call it my "When I need to make people grow balls" loadout.
    Literally. I titled my load out that.
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  10. Lucidius134

    Do not use the wiki for its stats yet.

    I'm going through the antagonizing process of double checking every recoil stat with the ps2.dynet spreadsheets and i've only checked the NC/NS so far.

    Here's the spreadsheet incase you did not have access to it

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  11. Lucidius134

    Bump, updated the spread sheet to wiki stuff for all TR AR's. Going through patch notes shortly after to reconfirm all stats
  12. Dualice

    Nice, thanks for that!