How about with a sword / Laser Sword optional the sword on the flash available and on the third seat on the haraser for the infantry
Yes. But maybe one as an item that take up melee AND secondary slot, OH kills enemies at a slightly longer range than the OHK knife.
Can you expand on this? Is it a replacement of your quick-knife? does it replace your side-arm? How much damage does it do? What's it's range? Damage? attack-speed?
I would see a sword as something that does more damage than a knife and has a longer range. The downside? Can't quick knife with it. It has to be selected like a rifle or pistol. Laser sword though...? PS2 seems a little grittier than that. Vibroswords are another story however.
I demand a chain-axe! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! But seriously, as an option for say LA's, to have a larger melee weapon, and a pistol equipped at the same time. You can hip fire with the pistol, and swipe with the melee weapon, sword (or whatever) doing something like 750 damage - so in combination you can 1 hit just about any infantry target at melee range (which is still closer than a PA shottie).
Sure, why not- add a sword. Infiltrator update only, equipping the sword locks out ability to use primary weapons (ala stalker cloak). Minor increase over knife to slashing distance, and a 2 hit infantry kill- possibly 3 hit to compensate for the longer slash distance. Ninja update!
Additionally, Maybe the sword could lightly damage vehicles? About the level of damage that the Archer does currently- mostly annoyance, though deadly at the right moment.
No... NO NO NO NO NO NO.... NO... NO vehicles would not be damaged by swords at all unless say a max was using one, and even then the damage would be so slight, that it would be a complete waste of time to even try. tanks already dont even feel like tanks, this would be a complete joke.
Thats what im suggesting, joke level damage. Have you tried using the Archer on tanks? It hits, for minuscule DPS. Applying that damage model that to a light saber like sword would be interesting.
Already in the game files; I mean, TECHNICALLY, it is a hammer. But it is one of the MAX Melee weapons that have been sitting in the game files for ages. Also; Planetside 1 had swords. As a novelty/exclusive item like the Firework gun, but still.
Had true melee been implemented from the beginning this could work, but if introduced now it would end up being an immersion-breaking gimmick.
I want swords too, there's been more then enough decent ideas in the old "melee system revamp" roadmap thread. I don't think there should be OHKs, just the increased range is already enough. Also unable to do "quick melee" attacks, and fast attack speed. And easier to hit than current wielded knives. Maybe able to damage several targets at once? Don't think class-locking is a good idea, except maybe for special melee weapons for MAXes.
Hey we got crossbows. Why not add to the trainwreck and throw in more obsolete weapons in a sci-fi shooter? Next we should have plasma ballistas and magnetic trebuchets. Maybe even a nuclear-powered sling! Yes, swords sound like a totally logical, non-immersion breaking addition to the game! Sign me up!
Maybe add a endurance bar for blocking as well, like in warframe. Per right click you could block some of the incoming dmg, like the resist shield of the heavy. The value of the damage mitgated would determine who much endurance is lost. Maybe by blocking oyu could enter an ADS like mode, where movement speed is decreased. At the same time give them 0.75 ADS moving speed multiplier. Would it be op if those weapons could also dmg materiel? Like the MAX punch? 14 or 16 punches are needed to destroy a turret if i remember correct.
I was thinking more along the lines of blocking the damage from melee attacks. Then we could have real jousting! Blocking damage from bullets / explosions with a sword doesn't make much sense. If those are power swords / energy swords, then doing light damage to materiel could be. It's not like you'd be able to actually kill anything with it, same as crossbow's explosive bolts.