Switching from infiltrator to LA, a few questions

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Moonheart, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Scudmungus

    While you didn't ask for play style advice in your OP, I'd just like to share my experience of watching Sharpe play IRL his LA.

    He has a fine technique that, other than the usual combination of situational awareness, rapid target acquisition and manauvaribilty, also takes advantage of the LA's ability to quickly put something sold - a pillar, a wall, a floor etc - between his LA and lines of attack.

    One key aspect of the playstyle involves always running around with a medikit in hand when Jump-Jetting or crossing open ground where a target will not be engaged within optimal range for the weapon his LA is equipped with*. This serves to off-set damage taken en route to targets as well as remove the first-strike advantage a would-be-ambushes might gain by reducing his LA's health with a few rounds, allowing him to immediately re-position his LA and close for the kill.

    It seemed strange at first, actively running around with a medikit in hand over and above a weapon, but I've seen the choice, when incorporated within his playstyle, payoff time and time again.

    Anyway, just thought I'd share. Hope you enjoy your LA and fully appreciate the joy of quickly acquiring solid surfaces between you and your targets and the inability of many players to simply look up!
  2. cruczi

    Which is? If you're restricting the context purely to what direction you can move in, then yes, drifters can "do fewer things". But what the heck might be the point of such a restriction, if not to make your opinion appear as fact?

    But that's not how it works. Saying hovercraft do more things than cars is another oversimplification, and you've provided no in depth information that points to this being anything more than an opinion. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm also not saying I agree this is analogous to the jump jets vs drifter jets situation. Car analogies are usually almost humorously inaccurate.

    Don't credit me with that though
  3. Iridar51

    Thank you.

    I've got a better one. JJ is a bird, DJ is a flying squirrel.
  4. cruczi

    No, thank you. You've just claimed victory while evading a question which directly challenges your claim to that victory. This practically means you forfeited.

    Birds can fly. If JJ is a bird, then DJ is an aircraft
  5. Iridar51

    I don't even know what that means. I don't really care for the appearances; I said what I said. If you want to look for hidden subtext that's your prerogative. Can we stop this ****** length context that you started?

    EDIT: If you want to explain how drifters are good go right ahead, you don't have to argue with me for it.
  6. Moonheart

    I readed your guide Iridar, prior to writing this thread.
    It was interesting, but it lost me on the weapon part... it just so much text, with often no clear statement about which weapon would be the best for which playstyle...

    PS: I don't know for drifters, but the highest score player from this game used them a lot from what he wrote.
  7. cruczi

    It means your "context" is bollocks and only serves to mask what you claimed as fact from being an opinion which is what I claimed it is, and you denied. I'm still saying it's an opinion, if that was unclear. I'm not interested in hidden subtexts, I'm going purely based on what you've said.

    Nor do I need your permission
  8. Iridar51

    There really is only one playstyle for Light Assault. It is big, mushy and plump, but it's only one: use your Jump Jets to exploit enemy's bad awareness. And all weapons are used in the same way: carefully aim when safe, strafe to dodge enemy fire when under attack, hip fire when close enough. All there is to it.

    While the "charge enemy in the face with full auto shotgun" and "perch on a roof 50m away and provide flanking fire" are technically different playstyles, I consider them just two branches of the same tree.

    The only differences between LA weapons are effective range and how many enemies you can confront at once before running out of ammo.
    Naturally, different weapons have different subtleties, strengths and differences, and my guide exists to explain them. If you're looking for the advice on how to actually use the weapons, then I refer you to my Gunplay Guide.
  9. Iridar51

    Jump jets: X, Y and Z. Drifters: X, Y and very occasionally and slowly Z.
    X, Y, Z > X, Y.
    That's the extent of what I said. If you want to cling to words and extract hidden subtext - do it with someone else, I'm not interested in this masturbation.
  10. cruczi

    I wonder why you think I don't already understand that? Do you even read my posts?

    ... Apparently you don't read my posts. I just told you I'm not interested in hidden subtexts, yet now you claim that's something I might want to do. Iridar - you're failing badly.
  11. Agiond

    For God's sake, is this still going?

    Cruczi, if you think drifters are better than jet packs, it's quite simple: show some proof. Make a video, or link someone's video showing that drifts are better.
  12. Iridar51

    I read your posts that make sense, this argument stopped doing that since post one.
    Pls don't make me put you on ignore? You write good stuff occasionally, but your zealous leaping to any opportunity to argue over nothing is extremely annoying.

    This argument is not about whether drifters are good are bad, it's an argument for the sake of the argument. Cruczi loves to start those, and I can't stop.
  13. cruczi

    Wow, that's pretty hypocritical o_O

    You were so adamant in claiming that what you presented - jump jets can do more things than drifters - was not opinion. I've given you what I think are pretty good arguments for why it is opinion and not fact, you keep evading and trying to be a professional victim. Do you think that's arguing for sake of arguing? If so - I don't even
  14. Iridar51

    X, Y, Z > X, Y.
    That is not an opinion. And this is what I was arguing about. Z is what drifters can't do, hence, IN THAT SENSE, you can do more things with JJ. You want to say that IN OTHER SENSE you can do more/equal number of things with drifters? Go right ahead, you will be right, and I will not argue with you, on the contrary, I'll support an attempt to explain something to someone. But don't cling to MY words to do that.
  15. cruczi

    This isn't about which jets are better. This is about "jump jets can do more things is fact" (c) Iridar
  16. cruczi

    And as I said earlier, why would you want to restrict your context to such an oversimplification? In what sense is this so-called "fact" useful, true, or meaningful? It isn't. My breakdown of what each jets can do shows that drifter jets can also gain height in some circumstances, and that the amount of X, Y and Z varies so much between the jets that in any meaningful in-game context, saying "X, Y, Z > X, Y" is so far removed from anything resembling useful information that no - what you're presenting is not fact.

    (1) Yes, this is fact: "X, Y, Z is more dimensions than X, Y". But this is a meaningless oversimplification when talking about jump jets versus drifter jets.

    (2) Not fact: "Jump jets can do more things in X, Y, Z than drifter jets can do in X, Y".

    What you're doing is presenting (2) as fact, and masking it as (1) so it would get passed as fact instead of opinion.
  17. Iridar51

    In a sense that a beginning player asking for advice will get much more use out of Z than prolonged X, Y. And yes, this part is an opinion.

    With JJ you can fly upwards or glide. With DJ you can glide for longer time. In my interpretation this is fewer things. You can eat a chocolate bar and a potato, or you can eat two potatoes. From the standpoint of variety, this is fewer things. I'm arguing about quantity, you're arguing about quality.
  18. cruczi

    Sure, I can agree with that assessment and I might even agree with it being a fact - empirically, you can see most new players do use JJ's more then DJ's, and most new players do report that JJ's are more useful to them. But this no longer concerns which jets can actually do more things.

    You mean the other way around - you're arguing about quality. You're saying X is different from Y which is different from Z. They're all qualitatively different, therefore having X, Y and Z means you have more variety than only having X, Y. What I'm saying is that due to the differences in quantity in X, Y and Z (how long you can glide, how fast you can move etc), the comparison based on different qualities alone can't be used to extract facts about which jets can do more things in actual in-game scenarios.
  19. tamashiiken

  20. asdfPanda

    The, uh, tension and negativity in this thread is even worse than the air game in PS2. Can we just help the OP and leave?