Switching back to 32Bit

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Gorion, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Gorion

    Ok your second 64Bit Client try is crap...

    How can i switch back to 32Bit?

    have game crashes all the time.
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  2. Emitz Devil

    Same here, sort this **** please SOE, I dont pay monthly sub to be ******* mugged off!
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  3. Gorion

    Next Game Crash...... what kind of people do u have in your company? thats ridiculous... Only one stable patch pls.

    FFS you call this patch?? i can't believe it. And thx for a new double XP crashing weekend. And yes iam still supporting this peace of **** with my money! Bring one or two coder back pls.
  4. Pootisman

    Yes please tell us. Its double XP weekend and i have used a boost, but cant really play because game is crashing every 10min.
  5. Gorion

    Next Crash... thx SOE

    but hey just start creating some new games before finish one ;)

    so u can make more money. there are hopefully some guys didn't know PS2 ;)
  6. EvilTwinCZ

    Please give us options, which client version we use to run game. Forcing us to run your beta 64-bit client version, while stable 32-bit version is available, is nonsense. Today, I crashed twice in ~1 hour. Now I'm fed up and waiting for you to remove 64-bit client in next patch again, so we can play.
  7. Gorion

    Next crash... can't believe this. :mad:
  8. Gorion

    Ok here is how u can use the 32Bit Client:

    Start Launcher
    Before pressing the PLAY Button open the Game Directory
    Rename the PlanetSide2_x64.exe in for example PlanetSide2_x64BLA.exe
    Rename the PlanetSide2_x86.exe in PlanetSide2_x64.exe
    Now u can also rename the PlanetSide2_x64BLA.exe in PlanetSide2_x86.exe but thats not necessary

    Press the PLAY Button.
    Now u have the 32Bit Client and 50% less game crashes!
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  9. wickedhell3

    some people benefit from the 64-bit (32 gb ram :D) but for some its utterly downgrading (played on laptop just non stop crashes)

    Implement 2 separate buttons for 64 bit and 32 bit, so everyone can enjoy the game
    it shouldn't be that hard without making workarounds ourselves
  10. Gorion

    Ok next crash... so u also ****** up the 32Bit client.... *clap clap*
    nice done. perfect promo weekend for PS2
  11. VacuumCleaner

    If you dont want to crash in 64bit, just lower the RenderDistance to 2000 or lower.
    I played 2 hours with no crash with 2000 in RenderDistance.
  12. Afeltman

    My client doesn't even start. No matter what I do whenever I hit the play button it starts loading then goes away. After hitting the play button twice it will crash the launchpad.:mad: Haven't even been able to play yet. Consider yourselves lucky that you can play the game some-what.

  13. raw

    This doesn't help against the lookup-on-class-change problem.
  14. LucasPiazon

    Just wish there would be an option in the launcher to choose, without forcing everybody to play on one of them.
  15. TeknoBug

    Froze a couple times on character select screen, otherwise 64bit seems to be running smoother now during gameplay (unlike the last 64bit installation caused a lot of stutter and fps drop spikes).