Sundy's need some love noe

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SickPuppy, May 4, 2013.

  1. SickPuppy

    They're becoming an endangered species.
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  2. Lucidius134

    moreso then that other 12 capacity vehicle? lol
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  3. Pockets

    I don't know what server you are playing on but I still saw far more sundies than the battlefield needs on mine last night. Less than usual though due to lots of people playing with the harasser.
  4. Armchair is the most robust ground vehicle in the game. What more could you want?
  5. AwakenRiceball

    Sunderer revamps on the road map, so coming soon!
  6. Zitroxious

    Needs ramming attack :p
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  7. AwakenRiceball

  8. CEGrif

    26 pages and no reply's? strange
  9. Latrodectus

    The only thing I'd like to see the Sunderer get in the short term would be a big increase to C4 resistance coupled with either mine guard or the blockade armor.
  10. Thesweet

    they never had problems in PS1 with AMSs being blown up by C4. That is because you could put down motion sensors and spitfire turrets to protect it against a lone man but still be vulnerable to a tank. Plus it had the cammo shield meaning it could hide very well.
  11. Pockets

    The AMS was also rather slow and helpless if caught on the move.

    Its been a long time but couldn't you not see out of the AMS bubble as well? You think its easy to C4 sundies now...
  12. WalrusJones


    The Sundaes.
  13. Pikachu

    Cert that fills the whole truck with explosives with the power of 50 C4, both in damage and blast radius.

    But serious how about making that joke video about a hidden cannon inside the sunderer into reality? Cert that changes the idea of a sunderer as a transportation vehicle into that of a weapon platform.
  14. Thesweet

    No I don't think you could see out of the AMS. Yes, its very easy jsut to grab a heavy, plant a few C4 then rocket whats left.
  15. siiix

    i had an idea :

    when sundies are deployed you can activate a SHIELD

    -shields can take 10x the current damage before they collapse (10x debatable)
    -shields go on same spot like gate defuser there for can not be equiped at the same time
    -shield is ONLY recharging when un-deployed and it takes minimum 1 minute to recharge
    -once the shield is gone the sundie works the same way as now
    -shield can not be repaired
    -enemy can pass trough shield, but C4 is ineffective inside the shield (c4 debatable)
    -shields wont stop small arms fire

    kinda like this (current shield system under last stage of development) :
  16. KlyptoK

    Why don't I give your sundy a couple of mines as a gift.
  17. SickPuppy

    I've died a lot of times over the past 2 weeks with no Sundie. With the new RLs, the existing aircraft, armor, suicide bombers, and those crazy engees and their turrets, I've noticed a sharp drop in Sundies. SOE needs to add a Galaxy bus stop at every base now to pick us up at the SR. The Sundie needs balance. The resource cost, spawn time, and the big bullseye, I don't pull them any more.