Sunderer Utility changes....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by =ADK= Turrican13, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. =ADK= Turrican13

    Instead of making all Sundys AMS plus a utility, you should have to choose which one you're going to be.
    Gate Diffuser

    Then make the rest (smoke, repair, blockade, etc) the other function. Now you have to be careful which one your going to be and it will force more people to spec out a sundy and co-ordinate with the platoon.
  2. shameful

    was already a feature that didn't work very well hence the removal.
  3. =ADK= Turrican13

    I remember how it used to be, it wasn't quite what I'm proposing.
    A sunderer should be a support vehicle for one thing only depending on what is needed or what the driver is looking to do. I personally would like to see Repair sundies be able to use Blockade armor, for instance. And if your in a gate diffuser sundy, not be able to AMS but carry an assault force in on a suicide run...
  4. Sorrowfulwinds

    I'd much rather see the slots become interchangeable. Want repair and ammo? Alright. Want blockade and mine guard for the ultimate turtle bus? Alright.
    Blockade and MG might be somewhat OP but it would only have it's two guns and just be a tougher Battlebus.(Ignoring that sundy have higher base armor then tanks anyway)