Sunderer teamkilling to deploy your own

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xiphos, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. RedDominion

    This is the one situation that I completely agree with. A poorly placed Sunderer at a Biolab is a direct hindrance to the team.
  2. Muerte_LOL

    Just because you think a sunderer is in a bad spot does not mean it is/was. I have parked sunderers in places that don't seem to make much sense. But getting to the prime spot is not always an option and having to run long distances after a spawn is not always a good option. Sometimes a temporary bad location is better than no location at all, at least it gives people somewhere to spawn from that is not miles away. This can sometimes help turn the tide of the battle by keeping the flow of freindlies going. So all you smug folks out may not be as smart or great as you think you are. Just becasue you don't see the logic it doesn't mean that the other person is the stupid one.
  3. Blaaaaaaag

    I've been tk'd while in my Sunderer. Sometimes I deploy it and then sit in the kobalt to protect it and myself. Then it blows up, and the death screen tells me I was killed by a GeneralVega and his AT mines. Oddly, the only times my Sundy has been taken out by AT mines, they belonged to that guy. Seems silly to trade off my stealth or my ammo packs for a mineguard to protect it from one specific traitor.
  4. Eacaraxe

    No...that's pretty much no reason at all.

    For one thing, sundie drivers can use /region chat to coordinate their deployments and keep other drivers apprised of the S-AMS deployment situation. How often does that happen, exactly? Moreover, sunderers can un-deploy, which means that yes while a contingency deployment may sometimes be welcome (or necessary), once the immediate situation is back under control a sunderer can move back up to deploy. Or better yet, leapfrog deployments to ensure near-constant S-AMS uptime without sacrificing position.
  5. sayter

    The turret thing is something else entirely. Situational awareness seems to be a not so common commodity around PS2. Sad, and true. Drives me nuts too.
  6. Adamar09

    Do you try to communicate the dissatisfaction beforehand? Has anyone ever moved a poorly placed sundy?
  7. Springheel Jack

  8. BalogDerStout

    Odd suggestion, and not my favorite idea but it would be effective to the problem.

    Remove the xp gain from deploying a sunderer.

    This way people who are blowing up friendly sundies to deploy for XP have no motivation to do so. Leaving only two types of people. Those blowing it because you parked it badly and enemy players that are spies on your faction.

    The cert gain/xp benefit from deploying a sundy is so minimal already. I'm surprised anyone bothers to do this kind of thing, you get more XP dropping your ammo pack next to the terminal, so anyone needing to resupply at the terminal ends up resupplying from you. One person you resupply is worth 5 people deploying on your Sundy.
  9. Muerte_LOL

    Yes that is true and usually if I am nearby and see a sunderer moving to the better location I will give him time and undeploy and move to another location or leave mine hidden until it is needed again, in case the one in the better location gets destroyed. The point I was trying to get across is that just because people don't agree with where a sunderer is does not make it a wrong location. There may have been a purpose for it's location and they should leave it alone and have a bit of patience instead of destroying it. Seems to me the guy that thought far enough ahead to bring one up in the first place should be commended instead of being complained about. JMO
  10. RedDominion

    I really don't know anyone who does this for the experience. ~3 XP per spawn is absolutely pitiful, you're only looking at a handful of certs in the largest of battles.
  11. Eacaraxe

    Pitiful or not, the sundie is a vehicle that can always be drawn, mechanized resources are freely available, and S-AMS only costs 50 certs which can easily pay for itself over the course of a single crown or zergy bio-lab fight if you're lucky enough to deploy in the prime location(s). Players will exploit every advantage they can for an edge, and I mean any advantage, and absolutely people can be that petty. 2 XP/spawn is one that's ridiculously low-risk, but while low-gain is passive and accumulates over time.

    This is why communication and coordination with teammates matter. S-AMS deployment is one of the most critical battlefield roles, and as such ought to be reserved for the people who communicate and coordinate the best, yet ends up in the hands of the aforementioned petty and selfish which causes the entire team to suffer. Petty and selfish, yet competent, is something with which a team can at least deal; petty, selfish, and incompetent however are the kinds of players on which open season ought to be declared, and for good reason considering incompetent AMS placement can really screw over the team.
  12. Nonsensei436

    There are plenty of people with a mindset of every little bit helps and who feel it doesn't cost them anything to ace a friendly sunderer and replace it with their own. It may be a very low amount of xp but its xp you dont have to do anything to get.
  13. Stormlight666

    if /re is even working at the time. ORDERS might be a better option, that way all the REAL sundy drivers will have no problems putting 100 certs into it.