Sunderer resupply icon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raka Maru, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Raka Maru

    SOE, please fix the Sunderer resupply icon or remove it.

    For one thing, the ammo packs on the side show that it is a resupply module. The gunners that hop in, cannot see 40% of the targets, I even shot s friendly tank by accident today.

    Remove it from the gunner point of view. Don't let enemies see that big bright sign.

    As an almost dedicated Sunderer driver, this is the most irritating thing in this game right now, besides the bugs, lag, and TK'ers.
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  2. Raka Maru

    Hello??? Anyone else drive or ride in a Sundy at night and get blinded by this light when they are gunning?
  3. DeadlyShoe

    I'm more bothered by the fact that it's a giant SUNDERER HERE KILL ME NOW sign.

    Turn on and off with Lights? xD
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  4. Xasapis

    Your own air vehicles can resupply from you, so it's cool if they can see you from a bit further away.

    I believe that the best solution is to not show the sign when you're on one of the two gunners position.
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  5. Jyve

    Aye, being able to turn it off, same as 'Rocket Magnets' (headlights), would be preferred please.
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  6. WhiteWolf

    Solution for the aircraft. Lay the icon down on the roof. Aircraft should still be able to see it, and it won't stick over a hill like "HEY GUYS! Sundy over here!"
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  7. Xasapis

    Q button is a bigger problem than the sign at long ranges, imo, as far as spotting the vehicle.
  8. IshanDeston

    This, and a special map icon for allies inside a Vehicle/Plane.
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  9. Kid Gloves

    I agree with making it invisible to the sunderer gunners. It doesn't look good that close up.

    Being able to turn it off altogether would be nice too.

    As for the headlights... Shift-L turns them off already. It's the first thing I do when I get in my sunderer. It's never dark enough to need them.
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  10. Duckforceone

    yes please, remove the sign.... implement something else...
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  11. MexelVanMexelen

    This is about the 5th thread in which I've agreed with this. The sign shoud be invisible to the driver and gunners of the Sundy.
    Come on Devs, already!
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  12. Raka Maru

    Put it on the minimap as another type of resupply icon. Tanks and planes will be able to see it better once they learn, just like the Engie ammo boxes. Now the driver can turn it off (with the headlights) when in covert mode.
  13. Nimion

    Removing it from being able to be rendered while gunning and not displaying it for enemy factions would be good (can they be seen by enemy factions? I can't say I ever recall seeing any enemy sunderers with the holo image above it).
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  14. Moneymouf

    This is by far the most elegant solution to all problems. It also wouldn't get in the way of the gunners. +1... wait, forget that, take +14 what the heck
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  15. G3nDis

    Take the sign off and put it on the mini-map for friendlies to see! Put a decal on the side and top for vehicles to see in person. but the bright neon sign that screams "open for business" needs to go. glad I'm not the only one that dislikes this!!
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  16. TheBloodEagle

    I was just about to post about this too. Please remove the icon for gunners.
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  17. Raka Maru

    I have not verified this but someone said they can see it. I'll do a yell later and ask the HA that is shooting me if he can see it.
  18. Raka Maru

    no what?
  19. Raka Maru

    Is this picture acceptable?

    What if that view was in front of an infantry weapon or tank weapon? Why haven't we heard anything from the devs about this issue? THIS IS BROKEN!!!
  20. Raka Maru

    Hello SOE! This is by far my biggest problem with Eye Strain in this game. When will you fix this broken thing that blocks my view to shoot the enemy?

    Says a lowly Sunderer driver, not a big bad tanker who would be raging if you put this in front of his turret. How fast would you fix it then?