Sunderer Proximity Repair

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MajiinBuu, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. MajiinBuu

    What doesn't it repair? Does it repair Phalanx base turrets (either destroyed or alive)? Does it repair ally's MANA Turrets? Maybe terminals? What about constructions?
    Thanks in advance.

    P.S. I haven't played since the release of NS Blackhand, and I've noticed some changes (Or I've gone crazy).
  2. Kumaro

    It repairs everything that can be repaired by an Engie tool
  3. SixNineFour

    Last I played, it didn't repair base turrets (destroyed ones at least), but I know it used to.
  4. Purpoleon Dynamite

    Repair Sunderers will, AFAIK, repair friendly vehicles, static base turrets, Engineer turrets to include the humble "beeper gun" and constructed base turrets. With constructed base turrets I believe there is a mechanic of some sort in place that allows the repair modules to override a repair Sunderer or there is a limit on the amount of "repair items" that can affect one object at any given time. Engineer tool notwithstanding.

    Many times after constructing a base and pulling a repair Sunderer for the defense I have noticed that some of the turrets were not being repaired by the Sunderer. They are well within it's range, as other turrets are covered at times. I figured I would check this by placing turrets and then the Sunderer. No problems. Toss out repair modules and things get wonky. So while I have no evidence other than my own experience I highly suspect this is the problem.

    Turrets are the only constructed item I am aware of that repair Sunderers will repair. And they will not repair destroyed ones. If you have repair modules that cover your base, they are the only thing that will require repair over time. They do not repair themselves or each other.

    All constructed items degrade over time. Upkeep depends on a silo with cortium and repair modules or an attentive Engineer. If left unattended one of two things happen. The repair modules themselves degrade and then the other constructibles without their support. Or the silo runs dry and the whole gig goes south. No juice, no modules. Either way it all ends in the base slowly degrading over time if left on it's own.

    I like that repair Sunderers are somewhat limited. They do a good job in their primary role of repairing friendly vehicles. The construction aspect is one of those things in PS2 that requires some hands on time to get a feel for it. Hope this has helped.
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