[BUG] Sunderer exploitation NEEDS to stop.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ikillyou1990, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. OldMaster80

    If they manage to get there good for them. I know where to place the landmines next time.

    Btw if there is little defense they should get it very hard to maneuver on the stairs while under fire. Where are your HA?
  2. Mezinov



    So, it says in the offical rules, that you must use the defined course and you can't bring a vehicle on the course.
    Looks like your cab is against the rules.

    I know full well your example was just hyperbole, but I couldn't help myself.
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  3. ikillyou1990


    Glad to see that I'm not the only bright one here who knows this is pure exploitation and that it isn't fun for either side.

    In my eyes, and this goes with any exploit that causes an advantage for yourself or your team, it is as bad as hacking. That is how I see exploitation. It isn't meant to be possible to get a sunderer up there, to mass crash (if you were in early launch then you know EXACTLY what I mean by this), fly as a max, throw grenades through teleporter spawn rooms, and you aren't meant to have 100% accuracy without having to actually aim, etc. You aren't meant to have 100% headshot accuracy without having to aim, godmode, see through walls, run through walls, teleport, run 50 times faster than everyone, etc. Exploiting and hacking are on the same level. This is an exploit. Those walls near the initial stairs of the tech plant are there for a reason, so vehicles cannot get up on the balcony or anywhere a vehicle is not meant to be, therefore it is an exploit, not a great use of game mechanics, not a feature, it is an exploit.

    For any of you who have actually read the TOS of this game, you would know that exploiting can and will get you banned. Plenty of people have been banned for exploiting. Plenty more will be banned for exploiting. For those of you who are too lazy to read the TOS, I will leave you with this:

    • Exploit any bug in any Daybreak Game(s) and to refrain from communicating the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the end user unnatural or unintended benefits to the user), directly, indirectly and/or through public posting, to any other end user of such Daybreak Game(s). Additionally, you agree to promptly report any such bugs to Daybreak.
  4. Nasher

    Not really an exploit or bug. Maybe an oversight with the map design (nothing to actually prevent them getting there).

    It's not like it's unkillable, or somewhere it should be impossible to reach within the normal game physics. I see stuff like this all the time and eventually they still get destroyed.

    It's along the same lines as driving a flash around inside a building, which is quite fun. No one expects to get run over on the top floor of a base :D
  5. HadesR

    Less of a bug or exploit and more of base design allowing for it .. ..

    I'd put it on the list with the Attackers being able to reach and park on the air pad at Red Ridge .. Allowing them to deploy a Sundy within 10m of the cap point .. Ie: It could maybe do with being changed to stop it , but whether the Dev's care enough to is a diff matter ..
  6. St0mpy

    There are several barriers and posts in the way, and getting there is a helluva squeeze so I would say its not intended in the base design that vehicles get up there therefore comes under the heading of a mild exploit.

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  7. johnway

    I would like to see how they did it. if they found a special angle or technique to reach it and it wasn't through a hack/exploit i say kudos to them. hell, if its possible i want to know so that i can exploit it myself!

    it reminds me of the early days of jumping up the towers/walls during the amp assaults without the need of the LA which offered players an opportunity to breach the base as oppose to performing a banzai charge on the open exits available.
  8. dstock

    plz fix

    Harassers are the only thing that belongs on the second floor of a tech plant, this will make my life easier...
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  9. EarlofSunderer

    It's not as easy for the average player to do it as some might claim.
    There's a good chance you'll lose a sundy or 4 by getting it permanently stuck trying to get up there.

    If you try it thinking it'll be a piece of cake, it'll probably be a nightmare for you.
    Once you've had practice it'll seem a lot easier.

    It also needs to be done ahead of time, and the best time to blow up a sunderer on A point of tech plant, is before the main army gets there. It'll usually be unguarded because there's no action.

    I probably wouldn't bother getting another one up there again if you're under attack you might not have the time to get up there, and if there's no action you have to babysit it, or someone comes to blow it up.
    That's been my experience of it so far.
  10. TIVman5

    You know, this makes me wonder how much you would hate the TR that can do the exact same thing but with A point on an amp station. It's possible, but for the amount of effort, time and practice it takes most people would never be able to do it. As for what your talking about, this is a perfectly fine strategy and, as many people have stated in this thread prior, it isn't too hard to take out. Just get a couple of engies with tank mines to sneek in on the balcony and BAM bye-bye sundy.

    As I have learned myself, adapt, learn the best counter.

    It doesn't matter if you think the ****ing thing is OP, broken, or exploited, there is always a way to counter it until it is fixed (or countered with an equivalent (New top guns for MBTs and Harrasers)) or accepted as is. This goes for more than just this topic, it can be applied to the vulcan, ravens, lancer squads, battlesundies, etc...
  11. ronjahn

    I can't believe that people are comparing this to hacking. Blowing things out of proportion a bit much? I think people are just shying away from difficult and challenging situations, then come stomping to the forums to get things changed to make their lives easier.

    That Sunderer placement has led to some of the most unique and intense battles I have seen. People spawning all of the place, fury rounds, rockets, Max AV weapons, c4, nades, bullets and just pure mayhem everywhere and exactly what I have come to expect and love out of ps2.

    In general creative placement of sunderer's is a good thing and leads to new situations that would otherwise not occur. One of my favorites to date was when we jumped a Sunderer onto the airpad at Feldspar canyon during an intense stalemate where the enemy had been in A for like an hour. Everyone started spawning up there and before we knew it we had a crowd of randoms repping the damage coming from the shield warriors and then A finally flipped and the base was ours. Pure excitement and happiness was all over proxy chat, /yell, and /re was filled with people thanking the driver(co-leader of my outfit).

    If the devs thought the tech plants were a problem they would probably just add some type of obstruction to the stairs. Keep crying and trying to rally people to this pointless cause and maybe they will listen! I personally would be fine if it was removed since Ive never got one up there myself and it's such a rarely seen thing(not anymore with this thread) that it would hardly be noticed if gone. I just think it takes one tiny piece of meta away from an already metaless game.
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  12. ronjahn

    you see it as poor sportsmanship. I see it as creative Sunderer placement.. It might not be fun to you, but it's fun for me and a lot of other people who do it or enjoy those fights. I've personally never put one there myself, but have seen great battles produced by it and hate seeing interesting things taken away.
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  13. Hatesphere

    its not really creative, but ok
  14. JudgeNu

    At first when I seen it I was like, hell yeah this is cool.
    But after awhile it just makes for staleness and farmyness, that, imo, gets old quick.

    Iirc it use to be easier to get up there and they added something to prevent it.
    I have watched players many times try/succeed in doing it after they added the top wall thingies.

    I like to see players being creative and innovative.
    But its like the guy putting the Sundy in the Biolab vehicle bay, way before any action heads that direction...imo.

    Break the chains! Free yourself from the Farm!
  15. EarlofSunderer

    You call them chains, some of call them...BLING!
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  16. Kaindestroi

    there used to be iron bars protecting the stairs in the techplants preventing any other vehicles but flashes to drive up.
    since they removed them i assume this is intentional and not a bug.
  17. Krinsee

    I just wished that they made no-deploy zones spherical/cylindrical instead of planer to stop enemy sundies parking and deploying on the cap point of a few bases, or within the no deploy zone. One really bad base is Eastern Skydock on Esamir. I've seen multipule times sundies driven up and deployed on the point since the no-deploy zone is set at ground level.
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  18. FLHuk

    Yup, blame the numpty that made no deploy zones 2D and not 3D. Till that's sorted they can hardly call it an exploit...

    Oh but then again..... Can it be done on PS4 version? If yes then obviously a designed feature :D
  19. LodeTria

    I think an Anti repair field for sunderers that get too close to points would be better. Any damage they sustain would be permanent so you could eventually whittle it down. Nanite Auto Repair would be unaffected so it does have a way to heal, but would make it weaker overall.
  20. LtSqueak

    Wait, is this confirmed as being intentional? I feel like of the things being talked about here, this is the closest one to a bug. But I will gladly use the hell out of this from now on.