[Suggestion] Sunderer and other vehicles on Oshur water should..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Dec 11, 2022.

  1. AntDX316

    Sunderer and other vehicles on Oshur water should go as fast as they did day 1.
    Corsairs should go 2x faster than they are now.

    Underwater to above water effects like this should be brought back. How it is now is super bad.

    I think Oshur needs a signicant overhaul to get people to play it more. Lots of people prefer to play on the other continents.
  2. AuricStarSand

    Yes ground vehicles are too slow & that deters people from using the water.

    If they made vehicles faster for water that still wouldn't be enough for players to use the water.
    As the map has to delete half of its ledges. Way to many ledges.

    New players aren't going to jump their vehicle off a ledge to flank a neighbor island. So ramps, hills, new bridges, & half less ledges that behave like walls.

    Having more bridges may help, just bridges are a boring way to fix the vehicle flank issue.
    I would suggest more ramps, similar to the ramp the ant silos have, yet dev made ramps that are aimed at other islands.
    & that still wouldn't be enough either. Even if more ramps, faster vehicle speeds, & half less ledges their would still need to be something else for people to use vehicles to flank the water so the vehicle fighting isn't lane verse lane.

    The map has to have links everywhere, to rid the lane verse lane. So Oshur suggestively isn't a map for cutting off regions. Or else it's lane verse lane how the links are now. So spiral links.

    Yes Corsairs have to speed x2 of their speed now.

    As they have machine guns & aren't able to dodge worth a hoot. You barely swerve & even if they added torpedoes Corsairs wouldn't be entertaining enough to drive without some super levels of swerve drift speed. Nobody is dodging Pariah style weapons.

    So the boat duels right now are just who sees who first & not who is the better skipper skid swerver.

    & finding gunners is more tough then ever, so where do I find gunners? Seaposts are ignored more so these days & Tridents are ignored more so these days. When seaposts weren't as ignored, still then the seaport had no dock for soldiers to board, 1/4th of them jumped off the buoy to fall to the sea trying to board.

    P.s. Mirror Bay a tower similar to every other tower every other map has >.> is the main selling area of Oshur? Oshur & towers don't go well, I'd rid of Eagle Outpost's tower as well & just make that warehouse fights. Also why is only one region getting the most action for mid? Mid has 4 regions, where are the Astira fights? Pommel gardens is fine & fought at 2ndary.

    If they want a tower it'd be better somewhere mid west side of the map near the west mid interlink. West from Wakan beach. As for mirror bay. they built a new map just for everyone to have to exact same fight you'd have at Saerro tower of Esamir.
  3. BengalTiger

    I would actually say that boats should be more tanky and with more firepower, rather than more speed.
    The Cosair should have a Lightning's gun as its deck gun (or even a derivative of an MBT gun), and keep the superstructure gun as what it is.
    It should also be more tanky than a tank, being how big it is.

    Yes to less ledges/cliffs and more beaches. It doesn't feel really natural.

    And also, submarines should not be able to fly.