[Suggestion] VS Protos helmet change

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Riftmaker, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Riftmaker

    Since you changed the color scheme for the VS(mainly replaced the gray with black) i was wondering if the Protos helms would change as well.
    I would really like it if they would be black instead of gray or if at least the camo would apply to them as they do on the TR-NC variants.
    They used to fit the look of the VS but since the change they look out of place most of the time(The only time i actually like how they look on my characters is when i have a snow camo on).

    Want to hear what the forums opinion on this is. Better if they were changed to black instead of gray or if the camo applied to them? Or both? I'd like both but who knows,we can only hope ^^
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  2. Oreo202

    Or at least darker.
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  3. Soldat

    no not darker pls, if u Play on esamir or somewhere where u use some bright carmo ..
    make more space of the protoshelm fit with carmo pls :)
  4. Hagestol

    Yeah, let it be like the NC welder helmet. Pleasepleaseplease!

    Also, don't show our faces with the new helmet - we already have the default one!
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  5. schwarzklang

    I guess Protos helmets with more camo will be released seperatly for another 600sc.
  6. Riftmaker

    Think of the infiltrator default helmets. They are a very dark grey/black but because of the color scheme of their armors they still look good even with a snow camo. In both cases only the back of the helmet is affected by camo.
    I wouldn't mind at all if camo applied to them like it does on the TR/NC ones but i would also like if they would be black.
  7. Riftmaker

    They announced that there will be more variants of the new helmets. Some will show the face others will be closed like the composite and idk what else. Saw it on twitter,don't know if that information can be found somewhere else.
  8. Riftmaker

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  9. Riftmaker

    They are too focused on the new sci-fi helms to do that. On a more serious note,changing the color of the infiltrator default helmet was a nice move,i hope they forgot about the protos ones and they will work on them now. I don't think it will take too much time to do it anyway.
  10. Riftmaker

    Are all VS asleep or what? I thought more people would agree with me on this but it seems most of the people on the forums are more busy with complaining about random stuff. Can't say i'm surprised though.
  11. Riftmaker

    I'm also wondering what does everyone else think about the line above the eyes on the helmet,mainly the LA one(don't know if the other variants have it). I find it pretty weird and pointless.
    Not to mention the fact that it looks horrible with or without any camo(maybe the snow ones can get away with it)
  12. Morpholine

    I'm fine with them as-is.

    As a matter of fact, I'm hoping they implement an all-chrome "camouflage" so I can pretend to be a Cylon.
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  13. Riftmaker

    Even with the chrome camo the helmets would look better if they would be black ^^. After i saw the default infiltrator helmet after the change i just can't look at my LA Protos helm the same way. Really tempted to use my composite helm most of the time.
    That black-blue combo looks amazing.
    Then again as i pointed out in my OP i wouldn't mind if camo affected them. After all, the TR and NC counter-parts are affected by them.We're the exception,and not in a good way imo.
  14. Riekopo

    I just created a new VS character on Matherson and bought a few Protos helmets and was very sad to see that they do not inherit the camo you apply to your person. As far as I know the TR and NC variants do.
  15. Littleman

    More interested on the helmet to the left right now. I imagine that isn't SOE's property, however.

    And damnit, they better be working on armor to go with these helmets, not just more variants of these helmets (though I'll probably buy them all anyway.)
  16. LightningWolfTigrBer

    One of the art guys already mentioned on Reddit that there will be a version with a full visor released. Don't know when, though, but that's why I'm holding onto my SC.
  17. Riftmaker

    That's what i'm talking about. Since the color scheme change it's out of place. Either make it darker or make camo apply to it as it does to the TR/NC ones.
    They made an improvement with the way camo applies to the armor and the default color scheme but the protos helms were just forgotten. It just seems that the VS keep getting the short stick. Lancer,Protos helms,Vortex. I'm afraid to think about the ZOE. That might be terrible too.
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  18. Riftmaker

    If they would have a great master plan to release amazing new armors to fit with these helmets that would be great,but somehow i doubt it. That's why i hope they see this thread and consider a simple color change or at least make camo apply properly to it.
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  19. MarthKoopa

    DO NOT change it. I bought them because they look perfect the way they are. I bought them BECAUSE they were a nice white mask that didn't get covered in camo.

    Make a new set, don't change the reason I bought them.
  20. Littleman

    HAH! They can only make so many guns before they're working wildly outside of the tight rope balance zone they have right now. Well... mostly balanced. Cosmetics however, no one's going to *****, and we need new armors for the foot mobiles. We got composite, and then we have 400 helmets to go with it.

    And new armor for the MAX is likely hint we're only just seeing the first of the new armors. They really could have left us with just new helmets. Even the TR's new space-man helm was designed to work with the baseline MAX armor.